Chapter One

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Y/n had lived in Woodsboro her whole life, and she never wanted to leave. Well that was until the day her younger sister died at the hands of a pool party. Y/n had turned fifteen a few days prior, and her sister was thirteen, Y/n wanted to have a pool party, so they did. No one expected Amaya to fall into he shallow end of the pool and crack her head open, no one saw her struggling too continue living, all they saw was the floating lifeless body of a thirteen year old in a purple tankini.

 Ever since then Y/n has wanted to leave, she swears her house is haunted by the presence of her sister Amaya, she sees her lurking in the shadows, or in her peripheral vision. Dressed in her purple tankini. She hears her sisters voice when it's quiet, her laughter, her best-friends didn't know, she didn't want them to.

The only person who knew, was the ghost of her sister, who would sit down and talk to Y/n. Which is what she was doing now.

"You know Tatum doesn't like you." Amaya said, sitting crossed legged on Y/n's bed. Y/n, who was sitting in her computer chair, typing up an essay, looked up and rolled her eyes. "yep, I know, what I don't know is why?" The translucent version of her sister shrugged, "She's probably jealous, I mean her boy friend hangs out with you more than he does her." Amaya said picking at her nails.

"Yeah, but Stu and I are just friends, and have been since diapers, that's not my fault." Y/n scoffed rolling her eyes. "Tatum's just a bitch, don't pay her much mind, cunts like that deserve what's coming to them." Y/n's eyes widened. "Amaya!" She hissed. "Watch your language!" The ghost girl giggled, before vanishing completely.

Y/n's door pushed open and her mom stepped in, "Go to sleep Y/n, you have school tomorrow." she said hands on her hips. Y/n rolled her eyes, "Well if you couldn't tell mother, I am currently finishing up the essay that is due tomorrow, so if you would kindly leave, I'd appreciate it."

"Whatever Y/n." her mother said, leaving the room, closing the door behind her. Y/n phone rang, so she quickly pulled it off the wall and pressed it to her ear. "Y/n L/n speaking." she said holding the phone with her shoulder, and stretching her fingers back over the keyboard. "Hey Y/n/n, it's Stu!" the goofy boy said over the phone. "Oh hi Stu what's up?" she said, bringing a glass of water to her lips.

"I can't pick you up tomorrow, I got a dentist appointment, so Billy's picking you up instead." Stu said, eating something next to the phone. Y/n clicked her tongue, "Does Billy know he's picking me up in the morning?" She knew to ask this question because it has happened one to many times where Y/n expect Billy to pick her up, but he doesn't even know about it.

"Yes Y/n/n Billy knows, anyway what are you doing right now?" he asked, "Finishing up the essay that's due tomorrow." She said, reading over her words. "What essay?" Stu asked confused. "Oh my God Stu, the essay that was assigned last month, for English!" She said annoyed. "Shit!" suddenly there was a scrambling noise on the other side of the phone, papers be rifled through, and books thrown around. "Stuuuuuu did you not write the paper?!" she groaned.

The noises stopped and Stu's voice popped back up. "Wait is it the one about the revolutionary war?" Y/n chuckled, "Yes Stuart it is." There was a sigh of relief over the phone, "I'm halfway done with it, I forgot I had written part of it already." Y/n shook her head, "Alright I'm going to hang up now, and you are going to finish your essay, goodnight Stu." She said. "But Y/n wai-" Y/n had already placed the phone back in the receiver.

Then she picked it back up and dialed Billy's number. It rang a couple times before he finally answered, "Loomis residence, this is Billy." his deep voice came through the phone. "Hey Billy, it's Y/n, do you know you're picking me up in the morning?" She asked. "Yep, Stu called me a few minutes ago, did you finish your paper?" he asked. "I'm finishing it right now, but guess who forgot to finish his?" Billy sighed, "Are you serious?" Y/n hummed in confirmation. "Jesus Christ, how hasn't he failed school yet?" Y/n could almost see Billy running his hands through his hair. "Cause we're always helping him out." Y/n sat back in her chair, she was finally finished, she printed her paper out and put it in her notebook. "Anyway, just wanted to make sure Stu actually told you to pick me up this time, goodnight Billy." she said, closing her laptop. "Night, Princess."

Y/n dropped the phone back on the receiver and stood from her chair, going into her bathroom to shower. She lathered up her hair, then rinsed, watching the soap swirl down the drain, she always loved this part of the shower, it was almost like watching her worries get sucked away. When she got out of the shower she changed into a pair grey sweats and a matching crop-top before she crawled into bed. she laid on her side facing the door, "I'm bored." A voice said behind her. "Fuck off Amaya." Y/n said, closing her eyes.

Y/n rolled over to look at her sister, but she wasn't there. "but Y/n!" Y/n pulled the blankets up over her head, trying to block out the noise. "Play a game with me!" Y/n didn't move. "Please!" Y/n uncovered her head and glared at the door, "Amaya I need to go to sleep! Go bug mom or dad, use your freaky ghost powers!" She growled. There was a huff, and then silence, "Finally." She sighed snuggling into her blankets. She laid awake for a while, planning out her clothes for tomorrow in her head, and eventually fell asleep.

Crimson Whispers (Stu Macher x Reader x Billy Loomis)Where stories live. Discover now