Chapter Ten

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Even though I was incredibly young I was still excited for the baby, scared sure! but excited definitely. My parents aren't the best, so they didn't even bat an eye when I told them I was moving out, Stu however was over the moon, he was constantly online looking at baby things, names, clothing, room ideas, you name it. Stu had told Billy as soon as he had left my house, and he didn't seem to surprised, he was oddly cool with it, a little too cool with it. The three of us were currently in Billy's truck driving to the next town over, to go baby shopping, Billy was driving, and I had my head on Stu's shoulder massaging my stomach slightly, occasionally Stu would put a hand on my stomach and smile, then look back out the window. The plan today was to do some furniture shopping, then clothes, go to lunch, maternity shopping, then toys and such. In my honest opinion, I think Stu was most excited for the clothes aspect of it, I had recently found out Stu had an attraction to pregnant women, which works out for me!

I was currently wedged in between the two, and right next to the shifter, so I had to make a conscious effort not to bump it, my legs were getting stiff now so I moved them every so often, which apparently, Billy noticed. "Y/n." he said, glancing over at me. "Hmm?" I responded, lifting my head off Stu's shoulder, "Put your legs on my lap." I frowned, I didn't want to take up all his room, I mean my legs weren't cramping that bad. "No it's fine, you still need your-" he cut me off by leaning down and grabbing my legs lifting them up onto the seat on onto his lap, so now I was sitting cockeyed, sighing I shimmied around so I could comfortably lay my head on Stu's lap, who started playing with my hair, I soon passed out, not even realizing I was tired.


"Wake up kitten." I felt a kiss on my forehead and heard a click near my feet. I opened my eyes and yawned, Stu was peaking down at me with a smile on his face, while Billy stared at us with his arms across his broad chest, amused. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, Both boys opened their doors, Billy slid out from under my legs and offered me his hand, which I accepted, and slid out of the truck. I looked up at the store and grimaced, "I'm going to get so many judgmental stares." I groaned, linking hands with Stu. "Ignore them kitten." Stu said squeezing my hand, and leading me into the building, Billy trailing behind. I was immediately surrounded by lots of furniture, cribs, bassinets, rocking chairs, beds, dressers, you name it. Stu giggled and drug me down an aisle, I tried to keep up with his ridiculously long legs but it was no use. "Look at this one, it's so cute!" he laughed, pointing at a white crib, with stars on the side. He was right it was cute.

An hour passed by quickly and next thing I know I walking next to the boys who are carrying the crib, while I pushed out the cart that held a new recliner, a foot stool, small end table, dresser, and small garbage can. We hauled everything to the truck and I waited patiently as the boys pushed the box into the truck, making sure to leave room for the chair and other smaller things, they both had to lift the recliner into the bed, but Billy could lift the dresser on his own, at least he tried to, it was heavier than expected. Once everything was in the truck we stood back and looked on, Stu had his hands on his hips and a smile on his face, "Next up! The MALL!" He shouted, suddenly picking me up and spinning me around, I laughed, and held on tightly, I heard Billy chuckle and then the truck start. Stu set me back down, and I pulled myself into the truck.

Fifteen minutes later we arrived at the mall, Stu was bouncing up and down excitedly, while Billy watched on with a smirk, Billy threw his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side, watching Stu practically sprint across the parking lot, I laughed and leaned my head on his shoulder, watching Stu disappear through the doors. "I think he's excited, what do you think Billy?" I asked sarcastically. "Nah, not excited at all." Billy replied flatly, we both erupted in laughter, that faded as we reached the door, seeing Stu bouncing up and down on his toes on the other side. "Come on!" He whined, grabbing me by the arm and swinging me over his back, my chest connected with his back, a thud could be heard, but Stu was already running up the stairs towards the baby section, Billy jogging to keep up. I had barely even secured my hold around his neck yet.

Stu stopped abruptly when we reached the store, I slid off his back and walked in curiously, the store was brightly lit, with pink and blue lettering across the wall next to the front counter that said "Bundle of Joy." A poorly contained giggle erupted from Stu as he dashed off into the many aisles of clothing. Since I didn't know what I was having yet, we were buying gender neutral clothes, but I had a feeling it was going to be a girl. I wasn't showing yet, considering I was only about a month pregnant, so if anybody asked, we were just telling them it was for a friend. The three of us split up to round up the baby clothes. 

I found the cutest pair of what looked to be knitted little dinosaur slippers, and a white onesie that said, "I'll have a bottle of the house white

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I found the cutest pair of what looked to be knitted little dinosaur slippers, and a white onesie that said, "I'll have a bottle of the house white." with a little bottle at the end, and an entire cart of even more clothing, Billy found a grey onesie that said, "Dad and I agree, Mom is the best." and Stu found two, one said "Wee little hooligan." and the other said, "Sleep, Eat, Cuddle, Repeat." Among with a bunch of footie pajamas, and hoodies. When we had checked out went down to the food court and had lunch, Billy teased Stu about how excited he was, Stu just stuck his tongue out in response. When we finished lunch we headed to the maternity store across from Bundle of Joy.

 When we finished lunch we headed to the maternity store across from Bundle of Joy

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Billy found me a nice blue T-shirt that said, "What the bump wants, the bump gets." I found one that said "Eating Tacos for two." I also found a nice orange sweater, and a stretchy pair of overalls, then Stu rounded the corner with a shirt in hand that said, "Prego-suraus." with a roaring dinosaur underneath it, then he held up the cutest sweater I've ever seen. It was an avocado holding her  little pit (The Baby) and it said Mamacado. "It's sooo cute!" I squealed, practically ripping it from Stu's hands, it was super fuzzy too so I tossed it in the cart. We checked out the cart full of clothing then headed over to the toy store, picking out lots of things, including bottles, formula, and diapers of course. It seemed like it was just a baby store in general, after we had finished we carried out about two dozen bags of stuff, the bed of the truck was so full we had to start putting things in Billy's toolbox, I swung my leg up into the bed and pulled myself up, then shuffled my way to the box, careful not to stub my toe on the recliner, I opened the box, and the boys started handing me the bags, which I placed neatly in the box. Once that was done, Stu helped me out of the truck, then we were headed back home. Amaya hadn't made her presence for a few days, for which I was glad.

Crimson Whispers (Stu Macher x Reader x Billy Loomis)Where stories live. Discover now