Chapter Eleven

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*Three months later*

I groaned as I sat up in bed, Stu and I sleep in his bed, and there is a twin sized bed in the nursery if people ask questions. My back was aching from the position I had fell asleep in last night, Stu had fallen asleep with his hand on my stomach and head on my chest, speaking of Stu, he was no longer in bed, that's when I smelled the most delicious scent, pancakes! I squealed and flipped the covers off me, and rushed down the stairs and into the Macher's kitchen, seeing Stu standing of the griddle covered in pancakes, I collided with his back and wrapped my arms around him. He laughed and turned around, pulling me into a hug, he pecked my lips and smiled.

"Good morning mama." he said, kissing my lips, then crouched down so his face was level with my stomach, "Good morning Baby." he lifted up my tank top and pressed a kiss to my swollen belly, I giggled, "Good morning Stu." Then he turned back around, turning back a few moments later, handing me a stack of pancakes. I waddled over to the counter and drenched them in syrup and whipped cream, and dug in, Stu joining me a moment later. After we had finished we went back upstairs to get dressed for school, I dressed in my black overalls, and white sneakers, I threw on one of my hoodies too, since it was October. Ever since I moved in Stu and I have been sleeping together, he rubs my back usually and hugs my bump, he's very clingy. Stu dresses in a tight white tank-top and beige cargo pants, throwing a short sleeved button up over his tank-top.

We clambered into his green Lamborghini, I strapped myself in and rested my hands on my stomach, as Stu pulled out of his long driveway onto the main road. Stu didn't spend as much time with Tatum anymore and she wasn't happy about it, and she new it was something to do with me. However she was to much of a bitch to realize why. She thought I was to ugly and Stu would never touch me, Sidney thought the same thing about Billy. Little did they know I'd been fucked by both at the same time multiple times. I smirked every time they glared at me, knowing I had been with both of their boyfriends, and yet they thought they were better than me.

I mean I definitely felt bad that I was stealing their boyfriends, but at the same time they didn't deserve them. Stu pulled into the school parking lot, next to Billy's truck. He walked around my side of the car and helped me out, grabbing my back-pack from the backseat. He carried his and my own, he slid his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side, I of course got jealous looks by a few of the girls, but mostly looks of pity from everyone else. We made it inside and Stu's arm left my shoulder, so he could open his locker, then he opened mine and shoved our stuff in, holding back our stuff for first period. Tatum, Sidney, and Randy all rounded the corner coming to a stop right next to me, Tate and Sid glared, while Randy didn't look bothered. "Hey Tate!" Stu said from next to me, pecking her lips quickly and pulling away. "Hi Stu," then she looked me up and down, "Hello Slut." she spat.

Oh my God today was not a good day to fuck with me. So instead of holding my tongue like I usually do I eyed her back, "Good morning, Bitch nobody likes!" I said with a fake smile. "What did you just-" but her annoying voice was cut of by the bell. "Saved by the bell!" I thought with a snort. Stu and I had separate first periods so we said our goodbyes and he winked at me as I left. I pushed open the door to my math class and took my seat in the back, laying down my books, and pulling out my pens. Casey Becker was in this class, she was one of Tatum's friends and use to date Stu, but cheated on him with Steven Orth. She glared at me from across the classroom and I glared right back, flipping her off when the teacher was turned away.

Casey looked murderous and I got a feeling I would regret that later, but in the moment I felt awesome. Math went by slowly as it was the only subject I sucked ass at, next I had English with both boys, so I headed that way. As I turned the corner I saw Casey whispering to her lackeys (and Tatum) about something, she eyes glanced up to me and she smirked. I sighed, well I'm fucked!

I walked into English where Mrs. Dalia smiled at me and asked how me and the baby were doing. She was a very sweet teacher, she had her first child her senior year as well so she knew what I was going through. I told her that we were both doing awesome, and I was super excited to meet her. She giggled happily, and told me that if I needed to nap at all today she would permit it and have the boys take notes for me. I thanked her and went to sit down in my usual spot, Stu joined me moments later pressing a kiss to my cheek. "How's my little monster?" he asked poking my stomach. I rolled my eyes, "She's fine Stu, she should start kicking any day now." Stu stuck out his tongue, "You mean he?" I shook my head with a laugh, "No, she!" we argued back and forth until Billy joined us, "Girl, I'm positive." Billy said matter-of-factly, sitting down, and dropping his bag to the floor. "Ha! I told you!" I laughed, poking Stu in the chest.

"You know you could always go in and find out the gender?" Billy said, sharpening his pencil. "Please N/n?" Stu asked, giving me puppy eyes. I glared at him, trying not to succumb to his beautiful eyes. He frowned at me, and my resolve crumbled. I let out a sigh, "Fine, we can make an appointment." He smiled again and hugged me tightly, then ducked don, almost bashing his head into the desk, to press a kiss to my belly. "Jesus Stu be careful." I groaned, picking up my pencil. Class then started, so we all (Billy, and I) paid attention.

Crimson Whispers (Stu Macher x Reader x Billy Loomis)Where stories live. Discover now