Chapter Seven

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Stu was sat on my left and Billy on my right, Billy's hand was now resting on my knee, while Stu placed his hand right on the highest part of my thigh, not trying to be subtle at all. I rolled my eyes, but butterflies erupted in my stomach, the warmth of Stu's hand seeped through my skinny jeans, burning my skin. Mrs. Tate was now talking about our group assignment, I was trying to pay attention, but Stu's hand was now massaging my thigh, gripping the fat, then releasing. Billy's hand was steadily moving higher up my leg, now in the middle of my thigh. My eyes flicked down to their hands that were now inches apart.

Billy's hand was now right across from Stu's mimicking his movements. It felt really good, I had to stop myself from moaning, so instead I clenched my fists tight, my knuckles turning white. Billy sniggered and Stu looked down at me smirking, then in a flash Billy's hand was on my clit over my jeans rubbing furiously. I snapped my hands down to his trying to pull them away, but Stu caught my wrists, and held them on his lap. I pulled with all my might but all he did was flex his muscles a little, and my hands were immobile. Stu's muscles strain slightly, causing slick to cover my thighs, god I didn't realize I found that attractive! Billy was still rubbing furiously, I was jerking my hands and tried to close my legs but Stu grabbed my thigh too, pulling it over his lap, and pinching it when I pulled against him again.

I let a quiet moan, and Billy slapped his unoccupied hand over my mouth, and leaned towards me, lowering his mouth right next to my ear. "Stay quiet babe, wouldn't want the whole class to know how much of a slut you are, now would we?" Overcome by pleasure I whimpered and shook my head, "Good Girl." He hissed, flicking open the button of my jeans, and sliding his hand under the waistband of my panties, his fingers quickly finding my clit and pinching it harshly. Stu had loosened his grip on my hands, so I whipped one of my hands away and slapped it down on Stu's thigh, gripping it tightly as the coil in my stomach tightened almost painfully. Stu hissed and, tried to remove my hand, but I was locked on. I could see a bulge in his pants, and I came to the realization...Stu likes the pain! Smirking under Billy's hand, I dug my fingernails into Stu's leg, his cock jumped in his pants, and he glared at me.

Snarling he slipped his hands in next to Billy's and thrusted his fingers into my pussy, I let out a muffled yelp, but thankfully no one was paying attention. I leaned my head back, my eyes rolling back in my head, oh fuck it felt so good. Then Billy pinched my clit and the coil exploded, I bit down on Billy's hand and came hard, I was now panting and let a louder than normal moan, gaining the attention of the teacher, She furrowed her eye brows when she saw Billy's hand wrapped around my mouth. "Hands to yourself Mr. Loomis." Was all she said before she focused back on her teaching. 

I was now blushing hard, Billy slipped his hands out of my pants and brought his finger up to my lips, and shoved his finger into my mouth, surprised I gasped and went to protest but he placed his fingers on my tongue and I tasted myself. He brought his face close to mine and brushed his nose across my cheek "Suck pretty girl." he whispered, my pulse quickened and I quickly started sucking on his fingers, tasting my juices. Stu leaned forward and brought his fingers into his own mouth and swirled his tongue around them, he let out a hum and winked at me. Billy pulled his fingers out of my mouth and a string of saliva connected us, he gave me a quick kiss, bit my lip, and pulled away, focusing back on the lesson. I looked back to Stu to see his hands lazily draped across his lap, a smirk on his face and his eyes glued to the front.

'These assholes!' I thought, crossing my legs. They get me all hot and bothered in the middle of class where I can't get any dick. A thought crossed my mind and I smirked, slowly I trailed my fingers down Stu's leg and messed around with the waist band of his jeans, I slipped my hands under his pants and lazily stroked his semi-hard cock, He clenched his fists and I bit my lip, I wrapped my hand around his cock, then jerked it upwards quickly, his hand shot out and gripped the edge of the table top, his muscles straining.

 Chuckling I started pumping him faster, he let out a whine and tried to stay focused. I tucked my face into the side of his neck and bit down hard, not hard enough to break the skin but hard enough to leave a mark. Stu let out a moan whimper, and hissed, cum shooting out of his dick and coating my hand in short spurts. I giggled and squeezed his dick as hard as I could, pulling a deep moan from his throat, then pulled my hand away, and sucked my fingers into my mouth, cleaning his cum from my fingers. Stu's chest was heaving up and down in sharp ragged breaths, and I could feel Billy's eyes burning into the side of my face, I turned to look at him seeing his eyes black with lust, "Girls bathroom by the gym after lunch, don't be late princess." Billy growled, pinching my thigh. 

I felt like I was on fire so I nodded quickly, excited I looked to Stu who had a goofy grin on his face, I looked to the clock above the door and whined quietly, we still had fifteen minutes left!

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