chapter six

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I rolled my eyes, "And what if it doesn't work jackass!" I growled looking into Stu's eyes. He shrugged, "you get pregnant, and I become a dad." I huffed and pushed past him and Billy, I threw on my pants and shoes then hurried down the stairs, the boys following me quickly. I headed straight for Billy's truck climbing into the middle, while the boys hopped up on either side, Billy driving to the nearest drug store. 

Stu kept trying to place his hand on my inner thigh, and I kept slapping his hand away. I can't believe he was being so relaxed about this, I could end up pregnant and everybody would find out. Not to mention his girlfriend would know he cheated on her with me! We pulled into the parking lot and I scrambled over Stu's lap, almost falling out of the truck.

I rushed into the store, running through the aisles before I found the morning after pills and the pregnancy tests, just incase I need them. I quickly walked back to the checkout and paid, then ran back to the truck climbing over Stu, and buckling up. I grabbed a soda out of Stu's hand, and popped a pill in my mouth, took a swig of the Pepsi and swallowed the pill. I wiped my mouth and stared out the windshield watching raindrops dance across the glass.

"You're gonna be fine Y/n, I promise." Billy said, bumping my shoulder with his, I smiled slightly,  my mind still racing with the recent events. I just had sex with my childhood bestfriend, and made out with my other one, both of which have girlfriends. "Besides if you do get pregnant, I'll be here for you!" Stu said, smacking my thigh with a grin on his face. My smile dropped and I glared at him, smacking his dick through his pants. He groaned and covered the assulted area with his forearms.

"To soon Dumb-ass." Billy rolled his eyes. We pulled back into my driveway and I crawled out over Stu again, rushing into the house and into my bathroom, stashing the tests under my sink. I came out of the bathroom and saw the boys sitting on the bed, both reading their books. I snatched my book that had fallen on the floor, and sat down across my room on my window seat.

God I wish I could stay mad at Stu but the truth is: That felt fucking amazing! His cum flooding me, it was so warm. A shiver went through my body, and I pulled my knees to my chest, covering myself with a blanket. I began reading my book, peeking up at the two boys who were sprawled out across my bed. Stu's long dick slamming into me, and Billy's lips on mine appeared in my vision. "Jesus Christ Y/n get it together you horny bitch!" I thought as I pressed my thighs together.

After I had finished a few more chapters I got started on the poster while the boys started brainstorming ideas. At one point Stu had picked me up and set me on his lap, I froze up and had blushed furiously, practically running away from him.

Then it was time for them to leave, Billy gave me a hug, while Stu picked me up, shoved his tongue down my throat, and slapped my ass before leaving.

I plopped down on my bed and closed my eyes, I just had sex with my bestfriend. I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock, 8:36. I groaned and got up, making my way into the bathroom to shower. I stripped and got in, Stu's cum still dripping slowly down my thigh. I was so conflicted, Stu has a girl-friend, yeah she's a bitch but she is still  his girlfriend! Billy has one too, a bitch also. I groaned and buried my head in my hands, why was Stu so chill with the idea of coming a father? We are eighteen for Gods sake!

I rinsed my hair out and grabbed my loofa lathering it in soap before scrubbing my thighs, the soap swirled down the drain taking the evidence of what happened earlier with it.

I sighed and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around myself before I stepped out into my room, quickly changing into my pajamas. God I'm such a whore! I liked having Stu's dick in me!

I shouldn't have liked that! I huffed and plopped down on my bed, my head hit the pillow and I gripped around my nightstand blindly until I shut off the lamp. The worst part is, I would totally let Stu take me again, maybe even Billy too. I rolled over on my stomach, falling asleep a few hours later.

~~~Time Skip~~~jjjj

I yawned and rolled out of bed, standing to my full height before collapsing harshly to the floor, my lower stomach aching. I threw my head back against the bed, and struggled to stand again, I was shaking so badly. I wobbled to my closet and pulled on some black skinny jeans, as well as a red crop top, and white converse.

I then went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth while I sat on the toilet, my legs now slightly relieved. When I was finished I slowly walked into the kitchen, grabbed an apple out of the fridge and walked out of my house, out to my car. I climbed in, buckled myself and pulled out of the driveway, heading towards the school. When I arrived people were struggling to get in do to the rain, I had almost crashed three times.

I tossed on my jacket, flipped my hood up and scrambled out of the car, quickly making my way to the doors, and pushing my way through the crowd. I quickly slipped inside and walked to my locker grabbing my first period books, and pens. It was still about fifteen minutes till class, but I wanted to find a seat, so I headed in that direction.

I pushed open the door, revealing the almost empty classroom, except for a few sleeping students, and walked over to a desk, sitting in the middle, making sure the two on either side of me were available. "You know, Stu's gonna be all over you today?" A voice said, startling me, I quickly looked over my shoulder revealing Amaya, hovering cross-legged over a desk. "Jesus!" I hissed, "What are you doing here Amaya?" She shrugged and smiled, "Talking to you of course, I mean there is some new drama, you did just have sex with one of your bestfriends." I glared at her, "We'll talk later Amaya, go away before someone see's you." She laughed before disappearing.

A few minutes later Billy and Stu walked in, making a B-line straight for me, quickly taking their seats.

Crimson Whispers (Stu Macher x Reader x Billy Loomis)Where stories live. Discover now