Chapter 8

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After lunch I had raced to the girls bathroom and shoved open the door, I dropped my stuff on the ground and waited. Moments later Billy and Stu came waltzing in, Billy immediately pinned me to the wall his lips on mine, I moaned into his mouth and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling at his hair. I felt Stu's lips on my neck, kissing and sucking marks onto my skin, my body was on fire, and these boys held the matches.

Stu was now grasping my tits in one of his hands, while still kissing my neck, Billy's tongue invaded my mouth, caressing my tongue while biting my lip occasionally. I tugged on Billy's hair which caused him to groan, I yelped when I felt a slap on my ass, but quickly moaned and it was rubbed over. Billy pulled away and looked at me with hooded eyes, "On your knees princess." he growled, I quickly dropped to my knees and grasped the belt on his jeans. I unbuckled him and tugged his boxers and jeans down in one swift motion, his cock sprung free and slapped his lower stomach. 

I quickly spit on his angry tip and gripped his length tightly, I heard a noise and looked to my left, seeing Stu's boxers around his ankles and his cock in hand, I swear it looked bigger then it did when it was inside me. I licked a line from Billy's balls to his tip before sucking hic cock into my mouth. Billy groaned and his head fell back, his stomach muscles tensing, I went as far down as I could, until my nose touched his pubic bone, my eyes watered and I choked, then pulled off. I reached over to Stu and grabbed his dick, pumping it quickly, then sucked Billy back into my mouth, hallowing my cheeks as his hips snapped forward, fucking my throat.

I squeezed Stu's dick jerking my hand up and down slowly, then speeding up, Billy's cock hit the back of my throat and I gagged, drool spilling from the sides of my mouth coating his balls and thighs. I looked up at him from under my eyelashes, his head was still thrown back but now he had his right hand fisting his shirt and the other clenched at his side I took my hand that was braced against his thigh and grabbed his hand, pulling it to the top of my hair, he looked down at me and something dark flashed in his eyes. 

He gripped my hair and thrusted into my mouth, bruising my esophagus he hit my gag reflex on every thrust, I tried to match my hands to the pace of Billy's hips, stroking Stu to the same rhythm. The bathroom was filled with the grunts of the boys and the wet squelching of Billy's cock hitting my throat. "I'm Cumming." Billy grunted, his breathing getting faster, and hips thrusting harder. I clenched my lips together and drug my teeth along his length which was all it took to make him finish, with a groan he spilled in my mouth, cum leaked out of the sides of my mouth. Billy grabbed my chin roughly and looked deep into my eyes, "Swallow it Y/n." Not breaking eye-contact I swallowed and stuck out my tongue, showing the evidence.

"Good girl, Stu your turn." Billy stepped back and suddenly I was hoisted into the air, pants quickly pulled down my legs, panties ripped, bra discarded,  shirt pulled over my breasts, and plopped down on the counter. I was completely naked with an equally nude Stu standing in front of me, he ducked down and sucked one of my nipples into his mouth, grazing it with his teeth, my pussy clenched around nothing and I moaned in desperation. "Stu please!" I whined, wiggling my hips. Pulling away Stu gave me his signature goofy grin, "Please what kitten?" I groaned and wiggled my hips again. "Make me feel good!" Looking into my eyes he nodded and stuck out his ridiculously long tongue.

He kneeled down on the floor and out of sight, then I saw his hands snake up my legs and push my thighs apart. Suddenly his head appeared and he started sucking hickeys onto my thighs he kissed higher and higher until his lips ghosted over where I needed him most. "Stu stop teasing her." Billy growled, watching us from the side. Stu's lips met my core it a hot wet mess, his tongue flicked over my clit and drew figure eights around it, while his hand snaked up to my breasts kneading and tweaking my nipples. I squealed in pleasure and gripped his hair, he thrusted his tongue into my heat, his tongue reaching places I didn't think had ever been touched by a mouth before.

"Stu!" I moaned, my head falling against the mirror, his fingers met my clit, rubbing it furiously, I was writhing all over the place, all of a sudden a sharp pain shot through my thigh, I looked down to see Stu pulling away from my thigh, a bloody mark in the shape of his teeth left behind, blood smeared on his lips. I was about to reprimand him but he stood to his full height and spread my thighs further apart and grabbed his cock, lining it up to my entrance, with a single push he was bottomed out, he grabbed under my ass and hoisted me up, so I wrapped my legs around his waist, and arms around his neck. 

He thrusted up into me quickly, his balls hitting my ass, I arched my back in pleasure as sweat poured down my body, I felt Stu suck a nipple into his mouth and bite down. I screamed in pleasure and thrusted back onto him, his cock hitting my uterus again, bruising the flesh. Stu shoved his head into the crook of my neck and grunted in my ear, whining, my pussy clenched, and Stu groaned, thrusting faster.

He held me up with one arm and slapped my ass with the other, Billy slid up behind me and massaged my ass, Stu captured my lips with his, our teeth clashing and lips bitten, then I felt a pressure on my asshole, my eyes widen in surprise. "Billy wait what-" I yelped as Billy's dick slid home. The boys's thrusts aligned, I had never felt so full before. "Please!" I moaned, falling forward onto Stu's chest. "Please what kitten?" Stu grunted in between breaths. "Cum in me please!" I wasn't thinking, and post fuck Y/n was going to be pissed but I needed this.

"Yeah?" I nodded and whined. His thrusting sped up and Billy slapped my ass as he also sped up, "You take my dick so well kitten." Stu growled, capturing my lips again. "She's a good little cock slut isn't she Stu?" Billy asked, reaching his arms around my body and squeezing my tits. "The best Billy, our little whore."

Stu's thrusts got sloppy and moments later I felt him spill into me, coating my walls with his cum. He rode out his high, and bit me again drawing blood, at the exact same time Billy bit me and came in my ass. I screamed and arched my back, squirting all over Stu's stomach and dick, Stu wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a naked bear hug, his cock still in me, I was shaking so bad, I loved it. I reached up and touched my neck, I pulled my hand away, my fingers coated in blood, God that was hot, I'm not even mad.

Crimson Whispers (Stu Macher x Reader x Billy Loomis)Where stories live. Discover now