Chapter Three

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Billy and I were now making our way to the water fountain, where the rest of the gang were sitting, including the now cavity free Stu. I sat next to Stu and Billy sat next to me, "How was the dentist?" I asked, rummaging in my bag for a container of blueberries. "Went good, give me a berry will ya!" Stu said, reaching for the berries I now held in my hand. I jerked my hand away, so it was now a few inches away from Billy's chest, "Nope, you ate all my berries last time, you're not getting any." I said glaring playfully.

"Pleaseeeee Y/n/n!" Stu whined. I shook my head, I went to bull the container back to me to find half the berries gone. I looked at Billy who's mouth was now stained purple, "You....Dick." I said glaring at him, I quickly popped the rest of the berries in my mouth, letting the flavors burst on my tongue. I put one blueberry on my palm and held it out to Stu, "Yes!" he cheered, bringing my hand up to his face and using his tongue to lick it off and pull it into his mouth. "Jesus, I forgot how long your fucking tongue was." I laugh, wiping his saliva off my hand and onto my jeans. "So how'd you get to school this morning Y/n, have to walk?" Tatum said in a baby voice.

God I hate this bitch, "No, actually I got a ride with Billy." I scoffed, crossing my ankles. "You Bitch, you got in my boyfriends car!" Sydney shouted. I rolled my eyes, "Yep, also Syd stop yelling you're gonna attract unwanted attention." I said, pulling a sandwich out of my bag now.

"God you're such a whore Y/n, how could you get in taken man's car like that." I looked at her with a raised brow, "I'm a whore?" I asked amused. "Yeah Bitch, biggest slut I've ever seen." she hissed. I laughed, "Hey when you first walk into your house what's the first picture you see?" I asked, thinking of the picture of her, and her mom.

"It's my mom, why?" she scoffed. "Oh so I'm not the biggest slut you've ever seen!" I said, mocking excitement. "Guess I've got competition." I said, then smirked. "Or, well had."

Sydney's face turned red from anger, and Tatum stood up, stalking towards me. "Tatum sit down, babe." Stu said, trying to grab her arm. I waited patently, she threw her fist out going to punch me, but I caught it in one hand, stood up, swung around and pushed her into the fountain. There was a loud splash, resulting in everybody staring at the soaked girl, who's blonde hair now covered her face.

I saw very small faint smirks appear on Billy and Stu's faces before they disappeared, Stu helping Tatum out of the water. I heard Amaya cackle and congratulate me, before her voice faded again. By that time lunch was over so Billy, Stu, and I headed towards English.

We took our seats at the back of the class, the teacher wasn't here yet so I opened my bag and placed my essay on the desk, "Stu let me see your paper." I said, holding my hand out in-front of him, he opened his bag and pulled his paper out placing it in my hand. Billy who was on my left skimmed the paper, I went through and checked his spelling, and grammar. It looked okay.

"Good job Stuey." I said, placing his paper on top of mine, Billy laying his on top of Stu's. Stu laid his head on my shoulder, slouching into what looked like a very uncomfortable position, considering our height differences. The teacher came in and started collecting our papers, Billy  held our in the air until she collected them. "Tell them!" Amaya's voice shouted in my ear, I jumped so hard, I slammed my knee into the desk. The boys looked at me weirdly, "Sorry thigh spasm." I said, grinning sheepishly.

Stu laughed and poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, God he's hot. I thought bringing the end of my pencil to my lips and chewing on the eraser. I crossed my legs and Stu set his hand on my thigh, massaging it, pressing harshly, then moving and repeating. It felt so good, I leaned back in my chair and sighed, then dropped my head on Billy's shoulder. Billy chuckled and leaned his head on mine. Apparently we had to do a group project on pearl harbor, and we had till next month to finish it.

I took my head off Billy's shoulder and sat forward, Stu's hand still gripping my thigh. I opened my note book and started writing down the steps.

Read books on Pearl harbor.

Make an outline

Create poster (With pictures, and Amaya's highlighter collection)

Write a paper (Turned into speech)

Help boys

Practice said speech.

I closed the notebook and set my head back on Billy shoulder, I picked up Stu's hand and moved it to my other thigh, he started moving again. "Don't fucking lose my highlighters Y/n, I spent months trying to get all those." I heard Amaya said. "Language." I whispered. "Huh?" Billy said, moving his head to look at me. "Huh? Oh nothing." I said smiling, shit I said that out loud

I opened the note book and wrote down another list.

Cite sources

10,000 words.

Visual Aid

Dressed appropriately

Valid information.

Sound knowledgeable 

I closed it again and dropped my pen on top of it, I let out a quiet moan when Stu squeezed rather tightly, on a particularly sore spot, from all my squats I did yesterday. Billy side-eyed me and I flushed, well that was embarrassing. The teacher sat down to grade our papers, letting us talk amongst ourselves.

"How flexible are you Y/n?" Stu asked, pinching my thigh, I yelped and swatted his hand, he managed to pinch in the exact same area Billy had, which I wouldn't be surprised if it was bruised. Billy laughed, and pinched my other thigh, "I don't know why?" I asked, rubbing both my thighs, "I wanna see how far you can stretch your legs." he said sticking his tongue out.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Okay, I'll show you after class." I said, rolling my eyes. "Nah it's fine we got it." Billy said, gabbing my thigh and pulling my leg up and over one of his legs, Stu doing the same with the opposite one. So now one of my thighs were over their legs, "Any pain, do feel a a stretch?" Stu asked, tilting his head. "Nope." I said shaking my head. They pulled my thighs farther away from each other till my legs were on each of their furthest legs. "Now?" I shook my head confused, Why did they want to see how far I could stretch?

"Huh cool!" Stu laughed, subtlety sending a suggestive wink to Billy.

Crimson Whispers (Stu Macher x Reader x Billy Loomis)Where stories live. Discover now