Chapter Fourteen

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Stu and I walked up the sidewalk to the school, I looked around seeing reporters everywhere. "What happened?" I asked Stu, who didn't look bothered. "Casey Becker, and her boyfriend were murdered last night." he said sticking his tongue out. A warmth spread across my stomach, I wanted to feel bad for Casey, but couldn't bring myself to. "Serves her right." I scoffed, smoothing my shirt over my belly, he bumped me with his hip, but it was more his hip to my lower stomach, I grinned and pushed back, suddenly a reporter was in my face. "Y/n did you kill Casey Becker and Her boyfriend Steven Orth, eyewitnesses say that you were seen engaged in a fight with Casey, resulting in a broken nose!?" I tried to hide the smirk that twitched at my lips, remembering that satisfying crunch of bone.

"No comment." I said, pushing my way through the crowd, Stu following close behind.


"Ms. Y/n!"

"Did you kill them?"

"Is Steven Orth the father of your child and you killed him in a jealous rage after he left you?" I looked up at the reporter clad in yellow, "Gale fucking Weathers." I muttered, glaring at her sickening smile. "No Steve Orth was not the father, he wouldn't even be able to get anyone pregnant, he's got a small dick." Stu chuckled from beside me, nodding to the camera. "Now if you'd excuse us, we have to get to class." I growled, grabbing Stu's arm and pulling him into the school.

I rolled my eyes as we walked into the school, "Fucking vultures." then I spotted Tatum standing next to her locker with her nose the size of Mrs. Potato heads. I laughed and Stu smirked winking at me before disappearing down the hallway.

~~~Time skip~~~

Stu had a doctors appointment today so I took the bus back to the house, a few people waved to me as I walked up the long drive way, I waddled up the porch and unlocked the door pushing it open and locking it behind me, school had taken a lot out of me today, so a nap was in order. I meandered into the kitchen and grabbed an apple, then made my way upstairs, stopping at the bathroom before heading into Stu's room, I stripped and threw on one of his shirts, and a pair of my tiny weight lifting shorts, then crawled into bed, I tucked my pregnancy pillow between my knees and laid my head down breathing in Stu's scent, falling asleep quickly.

I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing, I yawned and stretched then sat up, I had forgotten Leslie had left today so I had expected her to answer it. I stood up and made my way down stairs, gripping the railing for dear life. When I reached the phone I took one last yawn, then answered it, "Macher residence this is Y/n." I had to pull the phone away from my ear slightly because Randy yelled "Sidney's been attacked by the killer, she's down at the station, they think it was Billy!" Yawning again I put the phone back to my ear, "But that's bull-*Yawn* bullshit." I scratched my ear, "Why would Billy kill his girlfriend?" There was a moment of silence before Randy replied, "There's always some bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend." I heard the door open, so I looked behind me, Stu had just walked through the door and was now locking it back up. He nodded at the phone and furrowed his eyebrows, 'Randy' I mouthed, he made an O-shape with his mouth and nodded, before heading into the kitchen. "Got anymore fan theories Ray?" I asked sarcastically, "Whatever Y/n, you sound like you just woke up, so go back to sleep." I laughed and said goodbye then hung up. 

A thought crossed my mind, the boys have been oddly suspicious they were gone at the time of the murder. "Eh, whatever." I shrugged, if they did kill Casey I couldn't care less, but they probably didn't. I placed the receiver down, as Stu came back into the living room and wrapped his long arms around my bump. "Why Hello there." he said, leaning down to place a kiss on my cheek. "Hi sexy, whatcha doing?" I asked, turning my head to look at him. "Just got back from the doctors, I'm all good." I smiled and nodded, "That's good, apparently Sid got attacked by the killer, they think it was Billy." Something flashed in Stu's eyes, and he stepped closer to me, towering over my small frame, he bent down so he was level with my face. "And you?" I gulped and took a small step backwards. "What?" Stu took another step forward, so I took another step back. I've never been afraid of Stu before but something felt off, dangerous even. "Who do you think the killer is?" he said, his left arm shot out, landing mere inches away from my face, caging me in. The fear was instantly replaced by arousal.

"There not after me so I don't care." I said, clenching my thighs together. Stu leaned forward, his lips brushing the shell of my ear, "Good girl." he whispered.

A whine crept up my throat, and I bit my lip trying to suppress it. He nipped at my earlobe and reached around my back, landing a firm smack to my ass. I whimpered and he chuckled lowly, "Needy much?" I launched my arms out and wrapped them around his neck, he hauled me up by my thighs, which I quickly wrapped around his waist. He pressed hot open mouthed kisses along my neck as he carried me around the room, my clothed pussy brushed over his growing erection and I gasped, pleasure shot through me. "Fuck it." Stu muttered, dropping me to the floor, and yanking my shirt over my head, my full breasts exposed to him, he ducked his head and sucked a nipple into his mouth as he reached around my back and played with the hem of my shorts. I yelped when he bit down on one, before smoothing over the sting with his tongue.

(To be continued)

(Sorry for the short Hiatus)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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