Chapter Four

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After class had finished Billy, Stu, and I had free period so we headed to the library to find books for our project, we had P.E. after free period. I went down one isle, while the boys went down different ones, I grabbed multiple books, walking all the way to the end, when I spotted Amaya out of the corner of my eye. "Spread your thighs Y/n!" She sang giggling. "What do you want Maya?" 

She walked closer so she was next to me. "They literally just had you spread your legs for them in the middle of class, and you still think they don't feel the same?" I rolled my eyes, "They just wanted to see how far I could stretch my legs, it was kinda weird but they don't have feelings for me, you're delusional Maya." Amaya shrugged, "Whatever you say sis, denial is a river in Egypt." she said fading away. "Fuck off." I said, then she was gone.

I saw a big book about pearl harbor on the tallest shelf, "Stu!" I whisper shouted. "What!" came a whisper shout from the opposite side, "C'mere I need your help." I hissed, "Ok." I heard him say, then a few seconds later he popped around the corner a goofy smile on his face, "You require help?" I nodded and pointed at the shelf, "Can't reach it." Stu the came up behind me and grabbed my waist hoisting me into the air.

I snatched the book and brought it into my arms, then Stu decided to toss me in the air spinning me around, then catching me again so I was now facing his chest. I yelped, and clutched on to his shoulders, "What the fuck Stu!" I whispered smacking his shoulder, he just laughed, "Put me down!" He just shook his head and walked into the next isle, where Billy had a handful of books, he chuckled when he saw us, me still struggling to get away, but getting no where.

"Stop struggling while you're ahead, Stu's and anaconda, you're not getting away anytime soon princess." I rolled my eyes but stopped, "I know, I'm the one who nicknamed him anaconda!"

"We got plenty of books, lets go drop them off in the lockers and then head to PE." Billy said, walking away, Stu followed, so I dropped my head on his chest accepting my fate. He carried me through the halls, students didn't bat an eye in our direction, this wasn't abnormal behavior for the rich boy. Stu let go of me once we made it to my locker, I put some books in mine, and Billy put the rest in his. I closed my locker and was suddenly swept off my feet and thrown over someone's back, based on the fact I was closer to the ground I knew it was Billy.

"Billy stop!" He was now running down the hallway, my stomach digging into his shoulder. Stu was chasing after us shouting, "Noooo she's mineeee!" We had made it to the gym and Billy set me down,  I instantly slapped his chest and rubbed my stomach, Billy had boney shoulders. We went our separate ways to go change, I slid on a pair of grey shorts, and a yellow crop-top, pulled on my sneakers, then threw my hair up into a high-pony. I walked out of the bathroom and joined the group of girls, while the boys went to play basketball. "Alright girls, laps, as many as you can do!" The teacher, Mrs. Kimberlin said blowing her whistle.

We all took off around the perimeter of the gym, I ran fast, but not as fast as I could, I stayed pretty close to the front, the squeaking of tennis shoes on the floor was a normal, Stu and Billy were dominating the basketball team. I could hear a bunch of the girls behind me huffing and puffing, I rolled my eyes and ran faster, my legs carrying me further. I passed the one lap mark and kept going, now way ahead of the others. Before I knew it I had already run six laps, and the coach blew her whistle, I stopped running and jogged over to the group, the boys joining, Stu standing next to me, and Billy behind me.

"So I got a complaint from Mrs. Kelaina, Aubrey's mom," All the girls groaned, Aubrey thought she was better than everybody else, and that included the boys, she's been trying to get us to play basketball with the boys for a while now. "And now the girls will be playing basketball with the boys from now on, there is a catch though." Mrs. Kimberlin said, looking around at us. "The boys get to pick who's on their team."

All the girls groaned again, while I grinned, hip bumping Stu, who bumped me back, practically knocking me over. So Captains, Stu, and Thomas, pick your team members. "Y/n, and Billy!" Stu said, nodding. Everybody else lined up to be picked, Aubrey was on the opposing team, she was another one who didn't like me. We all got into position, I was standing behind Stu, and across from Aubrey. We both glared at each other, then the ball was moving, I chased after it, jumping in-front of a girl, and catching it, before ducking away and weaving through the crowd.

A bigger boy blocked me and I quickly looked for a way out, I dribbled the ball, before throwing it into the air, sliding between his legs and catching the ball as I stood back up. I knew I wouldn't be able to actually make a hoop, so I looked over their heads as everyone crowded me, I caught sight of Billy, so I caught his attention, "Loomis, here!" I then tossed it to him, he caught it quickly and passed it to Stu, who made the basket.

"One point for Stu's team!" Mrs. Kimberlin yelled. Stu caught up to me and high-fived me. Then we ran off together, "If you can smuggle it away, I'll catch up to you and pick you up, so you can make a hoop." Stu said lowly. I nodded with a smirk, "This is gonna be fun." I ran into the crowd weaving and dodging the other kids, the girl who had the ball was turned away from me so I quickly grabbed the ball, and rushed away, multiple people trying to block me. 

"C'mon princess!" Stu yelled, ready to pick me up. I ran to him, shoving people out of the way, and jumped into his arms, he grabbed my waist and shot me into the air, I quickly threw the ball to the hoop, it hit the backboard, rolled around the basket, then fell through.

"YEAH!!!" our team celebrated, Stu spun me around, and placed me back on the ground, we played a while longer, Billy made the winning shot, we beat the other team by ten points!

We all changed, and Billy took me home, Stu following us.

Crimson Whispers (Stu Macher x Reader x Billy Loomis)Where stories live. Discover now