Chapter Nine *Two Weeks Later*

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I slammed the door closed and marched up to my room, the box clenched tightly in my hand. "No, No, No!" I muttered as I dropped it on my bathroom counter, I glared heatedly at it hoping it would burst into flames. The words Pregnancy Tests stared back at me, I've been having insane headaches all week, I missed my period, and I've been having crazy mood swings.

I took a deep breathe and took the test, once I was done I set it face down on the counter and scurried out of the bathroom, pacing my room. "Shit!" I yelled, slapping my hand to my forehead. "How could I have been so stupid!" I flopped down on my bed and cradled my head in my hands. "I'm too young for this!" Amaya's laughed filled the air. "Uh oh, this is a predicament!" I lifted my head and glared at the girl, sitting in my computer chair. "Fuck off!" She laughed, "Pregnant with your bestfriends baby, who has a girlfriend, how ya gonna explain this one?" I stood up and started pacing again. "I don't have the patience to deal with your shit right now Amaya!" I yelled.

"Well you better get some patience if your about to be a mom!" I whirled around. "I don't know! I might not be!" She shook her head and gestured towards the clock with her head. "Why don't you go find out?" My blood ran cold, it had been two minutes already, that means the test was done. I exhaled loudly and hesitantly walked towards the door, I flipped over the stick and almost passed out. Positive...

~~~An hour later~~~

I was sitting by the phone Stu's number punched in but not yet dialed. "How will he react? Does he want to be a dad?" We didn't plan this, were not dating, I'm shit out of luck if he doesn't help me. "Come on Y/n, put in your big girl pants and call him already!" Amaya shouted, "Fuck you!" I shouted back, a gust of wind swept through the room and knocked me into the phone, pressing the call button. "Oh God! Oh no!" The phone rang and moments later Stu's voice came through. "Macher's residence, this is Stu." I gulped and twisted the cord between my fingers. "Uh h-hey Stu!" I stuttered. 

"Hey kitten, what's Poppin?" I cleared my throat, "Uh canyoucomeovertomyhousepleaseweneedtotalk?" I spoke quickly. "What?" I took a deep breath and tried again. "Can you come over to my house please we need to talk?" I said slower. There was a pause then Stu's voice popped back up, "Ya, sure, be there in ten." then he hung up. My hands flew to my mouth, my lunch threating to make an appearance. "Fuck!" I groaned, pacing the room again, my left hand flew to my ass, checking to see if the test was still in my pocket. It was. I walked into the kitchen and groaned again, I had stress cleaned it earlier so there was nothing to clean, "I'll make cookies!" I yelled, for no reason. I scurried around getting all the dishes and ingredients out, right as I popped them into the oven, the front door opened and in walked a 6'4 giant.

"Hi!" I said loudly. Stu grinned and waved happily. "Hi! What did you want to talk about?" My hands were shaking, and my blood froze, heart beating wildly. "Uh, ca-can you sit?" I asked, gesturing towards the bar stool. Stu frowned but nodded, pulling out the bar stool. 'Should I tell him, how is he going to feel, will he be mad, is he going to abandon me?' My brain went haywire.

"Uh Y/n? You okay? You're kinda freaking me out here man." Stu interrupted my thoughts, and instead of breaking the news slowly I blurted, "I'm pregnant and it's yours!"

It was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

A grin slowly crossed his face. "Y/n that's awesome, I'm gonna be a Dad!" He laughed standing up, and lifting me off the ground, spinning me around the room. My heart slowly returned to its normal rhythm as he set me back down, "You're not mad?" I asked in disbelief. "Nope it was all apart of the plan-shit." Stu's eyes widened as mine narrowed, "What do you mean, what plan?" Stu chuckled nervously, "Wha-plan? I have no idea what you're talking about!" Then he slouched, trying to look normal, "Mom brain must have kicked in early!" I walked closer to him and fisted his shirt, pregnancy now forgotten. "What. Plan. Stuart." I growled. "Nothing! Nothing! I swear! It was just a figure of speech! A joke!" he pleaded, raising his hands. I lessened my glare, but didn't believe him.

Stu, taking that as a sigh I was no longer a ticking time bomb, wrapped his arms around me tightly, he swayed me back and forth, humming softly. "We can't tell anybody Stu." I whispered, the weight of reality falling back into place. "Billy?" he asked softly, picking me up by my thighs and hugging me even closer. "Yeah, Billy's okay, but no one else." Stu hummed in agreement. "What do we tell people when I start showing?" Stu thought for a moment before saying, "A one night stand gone wrong?" I sighed, "Everyone is going to think I'm a slut." I said, nuzzling my face into his neck. "Let them think what their going to think, we know it's not true." he comforted, rubbing my back with one hand. "Well, we should probably talk about some shit." I said, lifting my head and looking at him, he smiled and nodded, walking back to the bed and sitting down, me now straddling his hips. "Where are we going to live, my room is kinda small, that is if you want to live with me anyway, considering you do still have a girlfriend, oh yeah, what are you going to do about that?"

Stu sighed, "Tatum is a bitch, I don't love her, but she is kinda blackmailing me, so I have to stay with her. However you could move into my house, we have two spare rooms, and I could tell everybody I'm helping you out?" I nodded, "That could work, why is she blackmailing you?" Stu shook his head, "She's popular and needs a boyfriend, she caught me and Billy having sex one time and is threating to expose us, if I don't cooperate." I groaned, "Bitch!" Stu laughed, and slapped my ass, "I'm actually super excited for this, after we graduate I plan on breaking up with her, we'll be going to separate colleges so I'm not worried about what people think about me then."

I nodded, "Okay, so we just have to get through this semester, and next semester, without anyone figuring out that your the dad." Stu hummed in agreement, "We can do that." I said unsurely. "Yes we can."

Crimson Whispers (Stu Macher x Reader x Billy Loomis)Where stories live. Discover now