Chapter Five

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The three of us were now in my room, I was laying on my stomach on my bed, Billy was sitting at my desk, and Stu was laying on his back next to me, trying to distract us. "Y/n/n I'm bored!" He groaned, sitting up and leaning his head on his hand, "Read the book Stu." I said, flipping the page of my book. "But I don't want to!" he said, throwing his entire body across mine, so we made a T. I grunted at the impact, "Stu get your fat ass off me, your heavy!" I groaned, shifting around, "No!" he said, dramatically flopping his head down.

"Oh my fucking God, Billy help me here!" I grunted, trying to roll the six foot three boy off me. "Stu get off, you're probably crushing her lungs." Billy said boredly. That got Stu's attention real fast, "Shit sorry Y/n/n." he said, sitting back up and off me. I sent him a playful glare before looking back at my book. "We should play a game!" Stu shouted, slapping my ass before sitting criss cross. I yelped and punched his thigh, "What the fuck Stu!" He giggled and stuck out his tongue. "What? I like to watch it jiggle!"

I rolled my eyes, but sat up. "I'll make you a deal, if we play a game, you have to read your book  after." I said raising my eyebrows. "Deal!" Stu shouted, clapping his hands. Billy groaned but made his way over to the bed plopping himself down on my left. "Strip truth or dare!" Stu laughed, my eyes widened. "What no!" I shouted at the same time Billy said, "Eh, why not?"

I looked at them in shock, why the hell did they want to play that? "So we all know the rules, I'll start." Stu said looking back and forth between Billy and I. "Y/n truth or dare?" I thought for a moment, I could pick dare but I don't trust Stu enough to not make me do something embarrassing, but I could pick truth and have something I'd like to stay hidden, revealed. Or I could strip. "Fuck it. Truth." Stu laughed, "What's your deepest darkest secret?"

I scowled, seeing Amaya's ghost is, but they'd think I'm insane, or joking, actually that's not to bad. "I can see ghost's, well I can see Amaya's." I said with a straight face. They smiled, "That's so cool Y/n, where is she right now?" Billy asked. "She's not here right now, she tends to show up when I'm alone." Stu nodded, I turned to Billy. "Truth or dare?" I asked, placing my hands on my thighs. "Dare." Billy replied.

"I dare you to give your best impression of a murderer!" I laughed. Billy chuckled darkly and tackled me to the bed, a dark glint in his eyes. He brought his hands above his head and then thrusted them towards my stomach, in a stabbing motion, I laughed and tried to wiggle away but his hands came up to my throat and squeezed tightly, but not enough to cut of air.

My eyes widened as heat flooded my stomach, that was not something I expected to be attracted to. I blushed as Billy got off me, and I sat back up. I fiddled with my pajama bottoms while Billy gave Stu a dare. "Y/n." I looked up startled. "Huh?" they both had matching smirks on their faces. "Truth or dare?" Stu asked. "Oh, um, dare." I said not thinking about it. "I dare you to tell us your kinks." Stu said, winking.

I shook my head, no. I would not be telling them my kinks, especially when I just found Billy extremely hot choking me. Stu bit his lip, "Take something off then, those are the rules." I sighed and took off my cover up. Stu whined, "That's not even clothes!" I shrugged. When it got back to my turn Stu was staring at me hungrily. "T or D?" I blinked. "Uh, dare, wait no truth!" I shouted. "To late, already said dare!" Stu laughed. "I dare you to cockwarm me!" My jaw dropped, "What!" the boys laughed, "Yeah, it's not really sex, you just gotta warm my dick!" I glared at Stu. "You have a girlfriend Stu!" He shrugged, "She wouldn't mind, we've done this at party's."

"Unless your too chicken." Billy mocked, tucking his arms under is armpits and squawking, Stu joining in moments later. I blushed, was I really going to let my best friend put his cock in me? I growled and shuffled over to Stu, I grabbed a blanket and folded in on my lap, "Take your pants off." I huffed. Stu grinned and quickly unbuckled his pants, sliding them down his thighs, Billy reached forward and grabbed the waist of my bottoms and pulled them down quickly. I kneeled in-front of Stu as he slid his boxers down. I unfolded the blanket and held it to my chest, then Stu grabbed my hips with one hand, guiding me back to his cock.

He moved my underwear aside and placed his tip at my entrance, before slamming me down in his lap, he cock slipping into me and filling me up. He wrapped his arm around my waist and held me there as he covered my legs with the blanket. Hic cock was so big I let out a gasp, and clutched the bulging skin of my stomach. "Jesus Stu." He laughed and moved his hips a little, his cock, brushing against my uterus.

I placed my hands on his thighs, keeping him still. Billy was watching us lustfully, a tent growing in his pants, which he quickly covered with a pillow, before we saw. I felt like I was in heaven, his cock was filling up every inch of my pussy, I haven't taken a dick this big before. Instead of feeling weird like I thought I would I felt hot, like my mind was telling me to move, to make Stu cum. I ignored it and stared at my mattress, "Billy T or D?" Stu asked, seeing that I was cock drunk and secretly loving every second of it. "Dare." Billy said, running a hand through his hair, "I dare you to make out with Y/n." I jerked my head up, "but-" I started. "Okay." Billy shrugged, coming closer, he gripped my jaw and slammed his lips onto mine, Stu started bouncing me on his cock, making me gasp, Billy took this opportunity to force his tongue into my mouth, our lips clashed, as Stu slammed into me. A moan escaped my lips, as St started sucking on my neck, one hand trailing down to circle my clit.

I pulled Billy into me, our chests colliding, a hot coil tightened in my stomach, as Stu got even faster, his tip practically bruising my uterus now. I was a mess of moans and whines, Billy's and I's teeth clashing, Stu leaving hickeys on my neck, while pounding into me at an animalistic speed, growling occasionally. The coil in my stomach tightened until it snapped, a borderline pornagraphic moan slipping from my now puffy lips, Stu's teeth suddenly dug into my neck as his hips stuttered, the pain mixed with pleasure drug out my orgasm and soon enough I felt a hot pressure inside my core, and Stu's hips falter before stopping completely. Billy pulled away a string of saliva connecting us, Stu was breathing heavily with his face still buried in my neck.

I could feel the mixture of our cum leaking from my pussy and my heart dropped. "Motherfucker!" I yelled scrambling off Stu and into the bathroom, "Shit, shit, shit!" I cursed. I had forgotten to close the door in my panic so a now boxer clad Stu and a red faced Billy strode in. "What's wrong Y/n/n?" Stu asked concerned. I whirled on his, sending slaps to his chest. "you. Came. In. Me. You. Dumbass!" I said in-between slaps.

A smirk crossed his lips before it disappeared, "Just go get some morning after pills." He shrugged, as Billy stared at my still naked and dripping core.

Crimson Whispers (Stu Macher x Reader x Billy Loomis)Where stories live. Discover now