Chapter Twelve

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After English had passed the group and I were sitting out at the fountain, Sid, and Tate were being very animated which freaked me out, I knew something was going to happen, and soon enough it did. I saw Casey come out of the cafeteria with a blueberry milkshake, of course I didn't think anything of that. Until Tatum and Sidney started giggling and suddenly stood up and grabbed my hands dragging me with them. I tried to protest but they had a crazy strong grip, the boys were confused and followed closely after, the girls came to a stop and held me in one place, my legs touching the bench of a picnic table, then Casey stood up behind me.

There were a bunch of people watching me with interest. It was then that it dawned on me, "Shit!" I hissed, trying to get away from all of them. "Look at this little whore!" Casey laughed from behind me, girls laughed, while the guys looked on in pity. "She thinks she rules the school, and can flip me off in class!" Although I couldn't see her I just new she had a smirk on her face, her short blonde hair, just begging to be pulled out of her scalp. "Well she's about to get put in her place." Just then Sid and Tate let go of me and stepped to the side, just as a cold sticky substance was dumped on my head, blurring my vision, matting my hair together, and staining my clothes. I breathed in "Don't snap, Don't snap, Don't snap." I repeated over and over again, my blood boiling, Casey moved from behind me and stood directly in front of me. "Maybe that'll teach you to stay in your own lane whore." She smirk, there was a crack, and then a scream. I pulled my hand back relishing in the blood that stained my knuckles.

Casey was on the ground holding her hand over her now broken nose, blood spilling over her fingers. "You broke my nose you bitch!" Casey squealed. I saw Billy and Stu smirking at each other, as they were held back by a couple guys on the football team. Randy was next to them laughing his ass off, Sydney and Tatum were by Casey's side trying to stop the bleeding. I walked up next to them and glared, "Move." I said calmly, jerking my head to the side. Sydney quickly scurried away, "Pushover." I thought. Tatum glared back at me, "No." she said, standing up and facing me. "Move Riley." I growled, she squared up to me, "No." she repeated, we stared at each other for a moment before her hand flew up, I caught it inches away from my face.

I looked at her hand then back to her face, a smile crawling across my face. "You fucked up." I said shortly, before my fist connected with her nose, she screamed and fell back on her ass, before quickly standing back up and running into the school. All Casey's friends scurried away went I walked closer, she was still sobbing with her once white shirt now stained red. I kneeled down right next to her and reached my hand up, grabbing a fist full of her blonde hair, I pulled hard so her neck and back were arched painfully. Her eyes looked everywhere but at me, "Look at me." I hissed, her eyes didn't move, so I brought my other hand up and pinched her nose, she yelped and her eyes snapped to mine.

I brought my face inches from hers. "Don't fuck with me Becker, and stay away from Stu and Billy." I leaned away, then brought my head down on her face, she screamed bloody murder, and I got back up, calmly walking back to Stu, who brought me back to the fountain, it was now just me and the three boys. "That was badass Y/n!" Stu laughed, peeling off my jacket, and dunking it into the water, "Thanks Stu." I mumbled massaging my fist, Billy took my hand and started rubbing it gently. "Good job." Randy said with a smile. "That's a true Carrie moment." I rolled my eyes, "At least it wasn't pigs blood." I muttered, shivering. Since the milkshake pretty much just got my hair and jacket it wasn't to bad. "Alright Y/n lean back." Stu said, wrapping his arm around my back, I slowly leaned backward and dipped my hair in the water. Billy reached down and swished my hair around, the cupped water into his hands and dumped it on my forehead, Randy came over and handed me a small bottle of shampoo.

Should I be cleaning myself in the fountain? No. but I couldn't care less at the moment. Randy took the shampoo back and poured it into his hands, then scrubbed it into my hair, all I saw was his shirt in my face, so I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the killer headache I was getting. Eventually Billy swatted his hands away and rinsed my hair, Stu leaned me up slightly then Billy wrung out my hair. "Thanks guys." I said, pressing a kiss to each of their cheeks. Billy handed me his Navy blue jacket, and continued to wring out my hair ever few minutes. Eventually my hair was dry enough, so I let it fall down my back. Stu pulled me into his side and wrapped his arms around me. "There now you only slightly smell like blueberries." he said, glancing up to Randy who was rummaging through his bag. He kissed me harshly, biting my lip, drawing blood. I kissed back, then pulled away, licking my lip, I leaned over to Billy quickly and kissed him, he sucked my lip into his mouth and bit down hard to, then sucked the blood away.

I pulled away and laid my hands on my stomach, then felt a pressure on my stomach right where my hand was. My eyes widened when I realized it was the baby kicking, it happened again and I gasped, I grabbed Stu's hand and placed it on my belly, he looked confused for a minute until he felt it. He grinned and placed both hands on my belly, grabbing Billy's hand to and placing it next to his own.  

Crimson Whispers (Stu Macher x Reader x Billy Loomis)Where stories live. Discover now