Chapter Two

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The next morning Y/n dressed and did a bit of light make-up. She stuffed all her papers into her back-pack and then walked downstairs to eat a bowl of cereal. When she finished she had just enough time to fill up her water bottle before she heard a loud honk from outside her house. She slung her back-pack over her shoulders and headed out the door, walking past her drunk-as-fuck dad, who was passed out on the couch. Billy was parked in-front of her house, his blue truck freshly washed, she jogged over to the truck and opened the door, pulling herself up into the cab.

She set her back-pack on the floor by her feet, then closed the door. "Morning Billy." she said as he pulled away from her house. "Morning, so I see you're the one who stole my baseball jersey." he said smirking. Y/n laughed, "It's not like it would fit you anyway, but yes, twas I." Billy shook his head, "How'd you do on the essay?" he asked. "I don't know, good hopefully. You?" He shrugged, "Could be better, could be worse." She nodded, "That's fair." It was silent for a while, Billy was focused on the road, and Y/n was daydreaming about dating Billy. She had always had a crush on Billy, one on Stu as well, but she had never made a move because she didn't know if the returned her feelings.

She knew the moment they both got girl-friends that they didn't, however both of said girl-friends were bitches. They both hated Y/n with a passion, but she could never figure out why, Randy didn't hate the girl per say, but he didn't really like her that much either. Sidney's mom had been murdered a year ago, and she got even worse. She was in denial about her mother, Mrs. Prescott was a whore, who probably fucked every man in Woodsboro at this point.

Sydney didn't believe her mom was a whore, but hey one person out of three thousand, isn't that big of deal. Tatum was Tatum, thought she was better than everybody, also a very big slut, always wearing short-skirts that barely covered her ass, and to-tight-t-shirt's. She was like Sydney's personal bodyguard, if anybody said anything about Syd's mom, Tatum was all over them like kids to a candy store, kicking and screaming of course. She called Y/n a slut once, for simply sitting on Stu's lap before, even though it was something she had done ever since she was little.

Billy had now pulled up to the school parking lot, and had shut off the engine, they both hopped out of the truck, Y/n grabbed her back-pack and headed towards the school, Billy hot on her heels. They both went to their lockers, which happened to be right next to each other, Y/n had just opened her locker when Sydney and Tatum showed up.

"Hey Billy." Sydney said, pulling him into a short kiss, when she pulled away she tucked her long brown hair behind her ear, "Y/n." she nodded, glaring at Y/n. She nodded back with an even hotter glare, "Prescott. Riley." Tatum looked at her and grimaced. "L/n." The tension was high between the girls, but thankfully they were saved by the bell. They all shot each other one last glare before heading in separate directions. Billy and Y/n had practically all the same classes together, so they went to first period together.

~~~Time skip~~~

(Skipping Povs's. It is now Y/n's Pov)

There was only an hour until lunch and I was about to pass out, our teacher had such a monotone voice it could put you to sleep. I let out a yawn, my head drooping, went I felt a white hot pain sear through my thigh. I looked to my thigh, where Billy's hand sat, in pinching position, ready to strike again. "Ow, Billy what the fuck?" I whispered, swatting his hand away and massaging my thigh. "We're almost to lunch, just stay awake a bit longer." Billy said smirking, I rolled my eyes but sat up straighter. "You should flirt with him." I heard Amaya say, I whipped my head around, making sure she hadn't shown herself. "What are you doing?" Billy asked confused.

"Uh nothing, just trying to stay awake." I said, thinking quickly. Billy didn't look convinced, but dropped it. "What are you doing here Amaya?" I whispered. She giggled, "Watching you pin over your taken best-friend." I huffed, annoyed. "Get out of here Amaya, someone might hear you." I hissed. "They won't." She replied. "Just tell Billy how you feel, what's the worst that could happen?" I closed my eyes and clenched my fists, "He could reject me, I could lose my best-friend, and besides I don't want just Billy." I heard her sigh. "Well then tell them both how you feel, I can't imagine them not wanting to be friends with you, and besides, they'd probably like sharing."

A bush slowly crawled up my cheeks as I imagined being fucked by both of them at the same time. "They both have girl-friends though, they'd never go for it." I felt a cold hand on my shoulder, "Get your shit together Y/n, you're hot, funny, smart, kind. Who wouldn't want to get with you?" I rolled my eyes.

 "I also see and hear dead people Maya, they'd think I'm insane. Which even I think I am." The hand removed itself. "You know what, they would probably think your insane, but you do you. You'll just get old and become a dried up wrinkly old prune, like great aunt Amirian." I glared at the desk, "Thanks Amaya, that was really helpful." I said sarcastically. "You're welcome, see you later!" then it was back to the monotone voice of Mr. Jefferies.

Billy had to pinch my thigh about twelve more times before I ended up pinching his dick, which caused him to groan and shoot me a murderous glare. I held a smirk on my face for the entire rest of the boring class.

Crimson Whispers (Stu Macher x Reader x Billy Loomis)Where stories live. Discover now