Chapter Thirteen

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I groaned as I stepped into the shower, the hot water hit my body and relaxed my muscles, washing the remnants of milkshake out of my hair. My stomach was large enough that I couldn't see my toes, I felt the curtain move and a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. I smiled and leaned my head back, my eyes making contact with Stu's. "Hey." I said, Stu grinned at me. "Why hello there." he said, pressing a kiss to my mouth. I reciprocated, then I felt his hardening cock pushing up into my ass. "What's got you all hot and bothered?" I smirked, pulling away and turning around. He reached around my back and grabbed a handful of my ass, "Mmm you were so fucking hot today." he said, retracting his hand and bringing it down hard.

I yelped as it stung, but he brushed his hand over it, then did it again, kissing my neck as he did so. I moaned, my core turning to lava, Stu ran his hands over my belly then down to my thighs, he lifted me up quickly and pressed my back to the wall. His lips connected with mine again as his fingers found my clit, rubbing it in fast circles, I squealed in pleasure, and he trailed his lips down to my swollen nipples, sucking on one harshly while he pinched the other. I let my head fall back against the wall the water still gushing down on us, I flinched when Stu bit down on my nipple, then retracted his mouth.

His hair was soaked and stuck to his head and his chest glistened with water, I moaned in need as my pussy tightened, he reached down and grasped his cock in one hand and pumped it slowly, then ran it over my slit, tapping it against my clit. "Stu, please!" I cried, arching my back, my belly pressed against his chest. He grunted as he shifted my weight, but I felt his cock slip into me. I hissed at the slight stretch but groaned when it hit my g-spot, my head falling forward against his shoulder. He slowly pulled out, before pushing back in, repeating the process. Sick of his pace I wiggled around, bouncing slightly. He groaned and got the hint, thrusting faster and harder, I moaned loudly, my core tightening once again. I swear he felt bigger each time, I screamed as he hit my g-spot repeatedly, and sucked on my neck at the same time.

My legs were shaking so badly, I could hardly move them. The coil in my stomach tightened, until it snapped, I cried out, hugging Stu's neck practically strangling him, while he continued to pound into me. His thrusts were getting sloppy and uneven so I knew he was getting close, I bit down on his neck so hard I drew blood, he gave a high pitched groan, and blew his load inside me, his hips faltering. We were both breathing heavily as we tried to regain a normal heart rate, Stu slowly let me down, and I turned off the now cold water, then stepped out onto the rug, wrapping a towel around myself.

Stu stepped out behind me and didn't bother covering himself, he walked over to the fogged up mirror and wiped the condensation away with his hand, inspecting his bite mark. He smirked at himself in the mirror, then brought a hand up to touch it as I watched him. He dabbed lightly at the bumps, pulling his finger away with blood coating it. He winked at me in the mirror and said, "Kinky!" then strode out of the bathroom, dick first. I rolled my eyes and followed, watching his swing his hips around his ass shaking. When we got back to the bedroom I changed into a pair of sweats and one of Stu's shirts, then curled up on the bed, Stu crawled in behind me and hugged my belly, kissing my cheek then laying his head on the pillow, do do the fact I had just been fucked, was clean and warm, comfortable, and tired, I passed out quickly.

~~~A few hours later~~~

I woke with the urgent need to pee, so I leaped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to release my bladder. Once I had done my business I washed my hands and walked back to the bed, now realizing Stu was missing, I yawned and walked out of the room and into the nursery, he wasn't in there, I checked all around the house with no sign of Stu. I walked to the phone and picked it up, dialing Stu's cell. It rang for a few seconds before Stu picked up, out of breath. 


"Stu, where are you?"

"Oh hey, N/n I'm with Billy, he uh-had an issue."

"Is he-*yawn* okay?"

"Uh, yeah. He's fine, he just Uhm had a school related issue." 

I raised my eyebrows, "And he asked you for help?" I asked in confusion. "Hey, believe it or not I can be smart if I want to be!" I heard him grunt and a squeak of what sounded to be rope, and a wet squelching sound, I brushed it off blaming it on my sleepy brain. "Well, when do you think you'll be home?" He was about to say something when he was cut off and the the phone was grabbed, "Hey Y/n, he'll be back soon, get some sleep." then the phone hung up. I huffed and put the phone back on the receiver, "Dick." I muttered, before walking into the kitchen and heating up the kettle for a cup of tea.

Once It heated up I grabbed a purple mug out of the cupboard and put a tea bag in the cup the poured the water over it, not thinking I picked it up and yelped in pain as I felt my skin start to cook I dropped the mug on the floor and it shattered, sending glass pieces across the floor, "Fuck!" I yelled, walking over to the sink, feeling the glass stab into my feet, "Ow, Ow, Ow!" I ran cold water over my hand and waited for it to stop hurting,  when it finally did I shut the water off and stood on my toes, trying to take the pressure off my feet, so the glass didn't go in further. I tiptoed to the downstairs bathroom and sat on the side of the tub, I turned on the hot water and soaked my feet, seeing scarlet tendrils swirl around my feet, I groaned and leaned over trying to reach my feet, but my belly prevented that, I could almost reach them. Suddenly there was  a loud thud and Lesley, Stu's older sister, pushed herself away from the wall, where she had just made impact. "Jesus Christ Y/n are you okay? Is the baby okay? What happened? Where's Stu?"

"Calm down motor mouth, I broke a cup, then stepped on the glass." I said, shaking my head, still reaching for my foot. "God your a clutz." she chuckled, walking up towards me and kneeling next to the tub, "Let me see." she said, grabbing my foot, and pinching some glass in between her fingers, she yanked it out and I yelped, it stung quite badly. "Ow, Jeez Lez." I whined, crossing my arms, "Dramatic much?" she muttered, yanking out another piece. I glared at her and she smirked. Lesley was 5'7, had dirty blonde hair and pretty green eyes, she was sweet, but had a sharp tongue, she also cursed like a sailor. Her and Stu were complete opposites, While Stu was funny and hardly ever serious, Lesley wasn't very humorous, and was very serious, where Stu drank and partied a lot, Lesley hardly ever left the house, except when she traveled back and forth for college. After the last piece of glass had been pulled, Lesley drained the tub and dried my foot off then helped me back up, just as Stu ran into the exact same spot Lesley had. He pushed himself of the wall and ran over to me checking me for injuries. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Is it the baby? Lesley what happened?" That was one of the few things they did have in common, their nervous speed talking. 

I placed my hand on his chest gently, "Calm down Stu, I'm fine, the Baby's fine, and Lesley's fine, I just stepped on some glass it's no big deal." Stu's eyes widened, "No big deal!" he raised his voice, "Y/n there are puddles of blood leading from the kitchen into here, I thought something bad had happened!" I raised an eyebrow and pushed past him walking into the kitchen, I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Oh yes, puddles." I said, there were a couple drops of blood on the floor, but yes they were leading to the bathroom.

Crimson Whispers (Stu Macher x Reader x Billy Loomis)Where stories live. Discover now