authors note

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i generally hate authors that have a note at the beginning, but i thought this was inportant,

THIS WILL BE ANGSTY, ill have warnings and the chapters that are worse, but i dont really recomend reading this if your unhappy, or at risk of SH or SI, if you feel unsafe talk to someone you can trust, there will be specific tw on the chapters, but ill have a list here for the genneral things:

drugs and alcohol

self harm

abusive relation ships (parents and SO's)


just really sad things in general

talks of politics




and probably more, 

hey, id just like to add, that i love comments, and if you comment chances are i will respond, it really helps to see people being engaged in the story so i dont lose momentum with writing, and i love ideas for future chapters, if you have head cannons you dont see a lot in fanfics, id be happy to add them (so long as they arent weird lol) - ozzy just after publishing sometimes im funny.

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