welcome to hogwarts

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After about fifteen minutes of rowing, the boats of first years got to the docks under the castle.
a tall, bony woman in green robes and a witches hat with square spectacles was standing in the middle of an arched doorway with two older Ravenclaw students standing behind her,

Sirius stood up and got out of his boat, Remus followed suit, stretching and rolling out his neck and shoulders,
Remus had done most of the rowing, but not for Sirius' lack of trying, he had kept rowing the wrong way till Remus got fed up and did it himself.

"you okay lupin?" potter walked up to Sirius and Remus, "ya' look like you've just out run a werewolf-."
"screw off" Remus grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest, glaring at the ground.
pettegrew then walked over, looking more winded and exhausted than any of them.

"first years come this way!" the woman in green called,
"quickly, don't want to miss yer' own sort'in ceremony," the Ravenclaw boy grinned, ushering the first years into the doorway.

All of the first years followed the woman in green, potter at one point took off his glasses to clean them with his shirt, and promptly dropped them,
"crap" he muttered, stopping to pick them up,

"damn potter, I thought you wanted to be a seeker" Sirius teased, stopping with potter

"first, just call me James, second, my glasses and a snitch are two different things," James huffed "one follows merlin's laws of magic, my glasses don't" he muttered

As the first years got into the great hall, the tables fell silent, the head girl and boy guided the first years into a line, and the woman in green walked up to the front of the hall, a ghost floated up and handed her an old tattered hat,

"first years welcome to Hogwarts, I am professor Minerva McGonagall, the deputy headmistress. This is the sorting hat" she held up the hat higher "I will call your name, place this on your head and it will sort you."

"Cormac, Alexis" a black haired girl nervously stepped forward nervously up to the stool and sat down, professor McGonagall put the hat on her head, after about thirty seconds the hat shouted "HUFFLEPUFF" and cheers erupted across the hall.

Around five more names were called before James got his turn,
James grinned and walked upto the stool, after maybe three seconds the hat yelled "GRIFFINDOR!!"
cheers came from the tables as James walked to his house, mouthing 'knew it' to Sirius as he passed

Remus was next out of the four to be sorted, he too was sorted to Gryffindor, he smiled as he passed,

Then Sirius was called, he held his head high although his palms were sweaty, his knees week and arms heavy, he felt like vomiting as he walked to the stool.
he sat down quickly, hyper aware of the eyes on him,
'not Slytherin' is all he could think as the hat was placed on his head,
'wasn't plannin' on it' he heard a voice in his head say, then the hat practically screamed
"'scuse me?" Sirius heard someone in the in the crowd say,
the hall had gone silent, the Slytherins were confused, the Gryffindor's even more so.

Sirius could feel the pinpricks of tears in his eyes, the burning in the back of his throat could have made him choke,
'I'm gonna die' he thought ''my parents are gonna kill me, Gryffindor doesn't want me what was I thinking-' than he heard clapping, James and Remus had started clapping, standing up and cheering, some of the students around them had too, until the entire table was clapping,

Sirius stood, straightening his back and walking to his table with head held high.

"good lad" one of the older students clapped him on the back as he sat down next to James,
"I'm your prefect, mark Ellen, sorry 'bout the welcome, jus' came as bi' o' shock" Ellen smiled, "we aint never nearly that judgey."

"bloody hell black, with the way everyone went silent, I thought they were going to send ya' to Azkaban-" James laughed, throwing an arm over Sirius' shoulder.

"if I can call you James its only fair you call me Sirius," Sirius grinned "that goes for you too lupin. And when pettegrew comes it goes for him Aswell." Sirius continued "I've never been a real fan of my last name"

"your name, is Sirius bloody Black, that's the coolest name since Freddie fuckin' mercury and David bowie, hell you mean ya don't like your last name-" Remus scoffed, shaking his head and clapping politely as a girl was sorted to Gryffindor,

"'s that snape-ette?" James asked under his breath, looking at the lily, who was walking towards Gryffindor table.

"I think so" Remus nodded "has snape been sorted yet, I wasn't paying attention"

"I don't think so- oh look its pettegrew," Sirius nodded to the stool, smiling a bit as the blond boy sat, after a considerable amount of time, the hat yelled, a bit quieter than it had for the others "Gryffindor" and pettegrew walked to the table.

"ay Pete you made it" James grinned as pettegrew sat down,
"I did-" pettegrew smiled in an almost dazed way, it was a bit concerning.
"you alright pettegrew? You look faint" Sirius asked leaning forward into the table.

"I thought for sure I was gonna end up in Hufflepuff-" pettegrew nodded, his eyes were wide and he was grinning like a madman.

"STUDENTS" a voice boomed, the four boys looked to the front of the hall,
"welcome to Hogwarts." 

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