snapes a prick

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Sirius quickly walked down the hall,
'Pete's actually going to murder me' he thought as he half jogged down the sunlit corridor, not quite paying attention to where he was going,
he looked out a passing window and as he was looking away from where he was heading, he bumped into someone.

"watch where your going imbicile" snape grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest, Sirius had to catch himself from falling and dropped his wand,
"sorry" Sirius muttered as he crouched down to grab his wand, then tried to walk around snape.

"where do you think your going black." Snape sneered, pulling out his wand,
"patrificus totalus" snape said quietly.
Sirius fell backward so he was laying on his back with his arms at his sides.
"you and your pat halfblood really ticked me off on the train." Snape muttered,
"wingardium leviosa" he said slightly louder,

Snape floated Sirius into an empty classroom
"have fun." Snape grinned, his teeth were yellowed and crooked, he was missing one of his back bottom teeth, he turned on his heel and made to walk out.

"go brush your teeth you stereotype-" Sirius called through his teeth

"shut up!" snape shrieked, spinning around and shooting another binding spell at Sirius, then leaving, slamming the door shut.

'well aint he a charmer,' Sirius thought as he scanned the room to the best of his ability.
the room was only lit with sunlight, which was quickly dissipating, there were desks stacked in the farthest corner from where Sirius was leaned on the wall. One desk in the center of the room was left, it had books stacked in twelves that covered the entirety of the desk's surface area.

'well shit.' Sirius thought to himself after about ten minutes, it didn't seem like the binding spell would wear off any time soon.

After a bit, there was a bang on the door, than it opened, two boys, one tall with red hair, and one short with curly black hair were snogging as they walked in. they both froze when they saw Sirius.

"hello" Sirius said awkwardly, and after explaining his predicament, the shorter boy, eric, had him promise not to tell before undoing the spell.

"thank you, im very sorry," Sirius apologized as he walked out, "sorry-" the red head, William, said back, before closing the door.

Sirius stared laughing as soon as he was out of ear shot of the room, he sprinted up to the Gryffindor tower, and once he got there, he grabbed James, who was sitting on the couch, talking to Lola, and peter, who was sitting at one of the tables doing homework,

"hey Sirius." James smiled, "bye Lola-" he waved.
"Sirius-" peter groaned, putting his quill down as he was dragged away from his chair.

"group meeting, where's Remus?" Sirius explained hurriedly,

"so, snape petrified you?" James clarified, he was sitting on his bed with a transfiguration book in his lap,
"yeah," Sirius nodded, sitting on the edge of his bed, "and id like revenge."
"like what?" peter asked, sitting next to Remus, who was looking over his charms homework

"like... like a prank!" Sirius exclaimed, standing up off the bed, "itching powder, dungbombs, turning his robes see through, I don't know- but I want to-" Sirius sat back down,

"yeah, I get it, one'the boys at my elementary school did somthin' of the sort to his older brother and me, so me an' the older brother put ants in his pillow-" Remus yawned, "for the same reasons-" but Sirius cut him off,

"perfect! We could get ants and hit the entire lot of first year Slytherin boys." Sirius grinned.
"a classic." Remus smiled, than laughed, "god I sound like matt-" he snorted
"whos matt?" Sirius asked,
"a kid I was fostered with for a while" Remus grinned at the memory, "I need to call him-"

"how the hell are we going to get into the Slytherin dorms though? Just walts in like we own the place?" peter asked, interrupting the thoughts that were going through Sirius' head.
"actually, pete, yeah." James practically jumped up from his sitting spot, going into his trunk and pulling out a large black piece of fabric,

"oh yeah?" Sirius rolled his eyes, "with a black bolt of fabric? That's gonna work sooo well" he sarcastically laughed, sitting up quickly than falling back, "damn anemia" he muttered, sitting up slower,

"how, James?" Remus looked from Sirius to James,
"this thing is inside out-" James muttered, throwing the fabric over his shoulders and head, and then, he was gone, but his voice called out "see!"

"no. no we don't see, for merlins sake, your bloody invisible-" Sirius pointed out, earning a laugh from everyone in the room.

"screw you." The disembodied voice of James grumbled, a hand popped into evistence, specifically to flip Sirius off,

"boys." Remus directed, trying to help the derailed conversaition,
"sorry." James voice said sheepishly, "we can use the cloak, we should all fit under it."

"perfect, I'll get the ants." Sirius and Remus said in unison,
and so, the plan was in action.

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