Untitled Part 14

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Once James got onto the train, he immediately went to find his friends. Who he had seen on the platform, but lost while he siad goodbye to his parents.

"petey-" he heared a soft voice yell out from one of the doorways.
"don't call me that you freak," a different voice called, who James assumed was 'petey' she, unlike her sister, was gangly and had mousy brown hair, in an unflattering way, unlike Remus' hair, it was pulled into a ponytail so tight it must have hurt, James winced remembering how, when he was little and had long hair, his babysitter would do his hair in a tight braid that pulled even the skin on his face.
"but-" evans tried, but was cut off by the gangly girl.
"go away freak, I hate you, I hate you, stop trying to be my sister, you aren't." the girl spat, and evans pulled herself back into the train door wich she was handing out of.

She turned and bumped into James,
"sorry." She mumbled, then looked up, "oh its you." She rolled her green eyes.
"who was that?" James asked, cocking his head to the side.
"you get off on listening to other peoples conversations potter?" evans snapped, pushing past James and walking off.

"o-kay." James sighed, continuing to search for his mates.

"hey Jamie." Sirius grinned as James entered the compartment, Sirius pulled him in by his shoulders.
peter was sitting in the compartment reading in a corner, the blonde boys hair had been cut over the holidays.
superman style, Remus would have called it, remembering the comic Remus had gotten from his sister over Halloween.

"so, how was your Christmas?" Sirius asked, lounging on the bench opposite to where peter was sitting.
"good." James nodded, picking up Sirius feet and moving them off the bench to sit down, "yours?"

"well I had to sit through a dinner with my family, my cousin got disowned and ran away, and I wasn't aloud to send anyone letters with the family owl, so all in all, I've had a horrible time and I don't want to think about it." Sirius yawned putting his feet back up onto James lap, laying his head on the window.

"my sisters run off with some muggle." Peter muttered,
"and? Me fuckin' too." Sirius looked up,
"and my parents are fuming so I am not aloud to see her," peter snapped,
"you aren't the only one with a messed up family, yours is just rich."

"im well fuckin' aware of that pettegrew, well aware." Sirius snorted, glaring at peter,
"but I just don't think your family can compare with mine, you ever had to fall to your knees at your mothers feet cause you said something wrong and now you either beg for mercy of get a new round of scars?"

Peter stayed silent,
"I didn't think so,"

When the four boys exited the train, it was dark, the moon was half full and the stars plain to see.

"its nice to be back" James grinned, stretching his arms over his head as they walked to the carriages.
"its nice to be home." Sirius agreed, looking up at the sky.

"hello boys." Remus greeted as they walked into the dorm,
"hey." Sirius yawned, flopping down on his bed,
"are you three word blind? Or just dull? Did you not get the letters saying not to send things?" Remus put down the book his was reading, scanning the boys with his eyes,
"least wait till I get a summer job so I can give you things back."

"no can do poverty, cant have you spend your money on us eggs."
James laughed, shaking his head,
"plus, I for one don't care If I get anything back, I just want to give my friends gifts."
"merlins scribe." Sirius nodded,
"I care, 200 pounds is a shit ton of money Sirius, for a Christmas gift at least," Remus grumbled,

January fifteenth, 1972

Ms. Amilia lupin.

Hello, im so sorry to bother you with more post, but Remus refuses to tell us (me, James and peter, his dorm mates.) his birth day and we'd like to throw him a party yet he has forbidden it,
we don't particularly care about the ban, but if we don't know his birthday we cannot do much.

Thank you,

Sirius Orion Black III



Remus birthday is on the tenth of march,
and if you were wondering, his favorite cake is peanutbutter chocolate,

Heres a recipe

2/3 c of peanutbutter,

¼ c of cocoa powder

1 c of flour

½ c of butter

2 eggs

1 ½ c of sugar

1 tbs of vanilla

8 oz of semi-sweet chocolate

Bake for 35-40 minutes at 450

Mix a cup of powdered sugar with ½ cup of milk for topping. And there you have it,

Also, theres no need to apologise for the letters, its nice knowing someone's there for Remus

nice hearing from you.

         Amy L

"got it." Sirius grinned as he read the letter.
"his birthday is on march tenth, I also got a lovely recipe for a cake."
Sirius passed the letter to James, who scanned it then passed it to peter.

He Sirius and peter were all sitting in James bed, curtains drawn, silencing spell cast. It was at least one in the morning.

"so, I can get the cake." Peter said, reading over the recipe a few times,
"I'll get other people to get stuff. Butterbeer and whatnot." James nodded,
"I can get music, people and some catalogs for us to order off of." Sirius finished,
peter nodded, "alright then, good night." He ducked out of the curtains and went to his bed.

"hey Sirius, are you okay?" James caught Sirius wrist as he left.
"you've been off ever since christmas."

"im fine James, no need to worry." Sirius lied, looking back at James. In reality he was being tormented with night terrors about his mothers last words before Sirius had gotten on the train back. 'some day you'll see, someday you'll choose the right thing.' Wilaburga had sounded so confident, so sure of her words, as thought she had looked to the future. Sirius, for all his worth couldn't get it out of his head.

"okay, but if you ever want to talk, im here." James said slowly, clearly skeptical of Sirius words.
"eye-eye captain." Sirius smiled, standing up out of James bed and going to his own.
laying down on his back looking to the ceiling.

He closed his eyes, trying to sleep but images flashed behind his eyes, of his mother, of his cousin, the horrid golden light that caused him and regulus pain and regret, but worst of all was Sirius himself, all in black and green, standing over a different child, his own child, casting that same spell on the childs whimpering form, curled up at his feet like Sirius would curl at his mothers when his was littler,
some other woman hissing at the child that it was their fault, the woman was hanging off Sirius,
'I wont let it happen, I wont marry some faceless woman and hurt any child, I wont ever cast a spell meant to cause pain.' He swore to himself, 'maybe mother and father actually,' he revised.

Finally, Sirius couldn't take it anymore, he opened his eyes and grabbed his wand from his night stand, whispering a spell,
"anostorma." Sirius said hushedly, a night sky shooting out of his wand to the top of his bedframe.
as a child his governess would cast the spell to teach him and regulus the stars.
and he had seen Flitwick use it a few times for various reasons.
but it would always put regulus to sleep, and whenever he saw the spell he could only think of happy memories and learning French with his baby brother.

After that, he fell asleep quickly under his stars.
dreaming of the moon and stars dancing over the clouds.

When he woke up, it was to his friends beaming down at him
"its three in the after noon, get up." Remus; always with his way with words, grunted.
"uhggggg-" Sirius glared up at the others, though he was smiling.

a/n: egg used to be a word for rich people, also, i dont think that recipe really works, but it might if you wanna tryit.

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