Untitled Part 13

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The first quidditch match of the season happened November 28th Sunday, 1971, at two pm. Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor.
at one thirty pm, James dragged Sirius, Remus, and peter to the quidditch pitch.
at six twenty seven pm, James let Sirius lead him back to the dorms after Gryffindor lost.

"how did we loose?" James cried, he was laying on his bed eating a scone Remus had given him from dinner.
"I don't know James," Sirius sighed, he was sitting on James bed, holding two mugs of tea, one for himself and one for James.
"we had the best beaters other than bloody lucious malfoy, three perfect chasers and a frankly impassable keeper, where the hell did we go wrong?" James sobbed, wrapping himself tighter in his blanket.
"linsey bringer was out sick." Sirius offered, sixth year seeker and team captain had broken her leg the day before, and insisted that her younger brother take her place instead of just delaying the match.

"yeah, but-" James sat up, taking his tea from Sirius. "I bet if I was on the team, I could have gotten the snitch, you've seen me in hooches class, I stood up on my broom a few lessons in to get evans wand."
"I know, and im sure you would have won, but at the moment, we have homework." Sirius nodded, his voice gaining a condescending tone.
"im not a child." James huffed, crossing his arms.
"then stop acting like one," Sirius muttered, handing James a quill and parchment, "stop whining and start writing."
"your mean." James muttered, though he was smiled,
"you should meet my mother."

On the fifteenth of December, Remus disappeared, everyone in first year Gryffindor thought he had left with the rest of the floo powder-ers, but as James, peter, and Sirius boarded the train to go home for the holidays on the sixteenth, they saw Remus lupin wave them goodbye from the platform.

Once Sirius got back to black manor, his first order of business was to write two letters, one for Remus sister, explaining what was happening, and one to Remus, both to be sent to ameilia lupin via muggle mail, then sent to Remus by her.

James peter, who lived close to each other, was to sleep, and the next day, they sent letters to Remus.

When Remus sat down for breakfast two days after the other boys left, he didn't expect mail, not yet, he knew he would get something from his big sister in a few days, for Christmas, maybe a book, or a picture of a record that she had gotten him and was saving till he could listen over the summer, and that his uncle might send some money and a card, and that his filthy rich friends would probably send something they got from a corner store, or a postcard from some exotic land, but Christmas was in a week, yet he still got post.

The potters brown owl was the first one to come, followed by a snowy white that helped itself to some of Remus pumpkin juice before flying off.

From the potters owl, two letters, one from James, one from peter,



If I had known you were staying, I wouldn't have left, nor would have pete
you disappeared and we all thought you had left by floo powder.
I'll send you something for Christmas, and make sure pete does too,
sorry I aint with ya

James P.


It was written on very nice cardstock, but without the charms he normally used to improve his handwriting, the writing was nearly illegible.
the next letter was on the same cardstock, with much better handwriting, although there were plenty of ink blots freckling the paper, and none of the T's were crossed


Hey Remus, sorry we lefl with oul saying goodbye (James is sad your in lhe dorm by yourself, but I lhink you'll like lhe quiel) I'll be sure lo send you someling cool, or edeable,, I don't know, bul I'll send someling.

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