Untitled Part 11

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The days after the prank, most just bleak rainy days, flew by.
The next thing the boys knew, it was halloween.

"students." flitwick called as he walked to his podium, climbing up the stacked books.
"as you all know, this Sunday is halloween. On Halloween, all students fourth year and above will be able to go to the hallows eve ball. if you are in third year or below, you will be allowed to partake in a muggle tradition called 'trick-or-treating' where one dresses up in a horror baised costume and goes knocking on doors for candy." flitwick waved his wand, which produced a coulored mist that formed itself into an example.

"can people at the ball go in costumes?" travis emerance, a fifth year boy asked from the back of the class,
"yes mr. emerance" flitwick nodded, looking to be about to say something else but was interrupted by a loud wave of chatter from the students that swelled up immediately.
"quiet down-" flitwick directed, although was barely audible over the talking.

"what should we go as?'' James asked excitedly as they left charms class.
"a group costume?" remus asked, looking through his shoulder bag,
"That's for girls." sirius commented, breaking off a piece of chocolate from a candy bar he seemed to get out of thin air,
"how-?" Remus muttered, shaking his head confusedly at the sweet.
"how about we go as class four beasts, werewolf, vampire, veelee, and.... ghost?'' James grinned, "ghosts aren't counted as beasts, their specters-'' Peter pointed out.
"Actually, a sheet ghost would be a fine costume." remus yawned, "maybe one of us could go as a mummy, we'd just need to stock up on toilet paper, and i'm not sure what a veelee is, but vampire all you really need is a cape and some red lipstick for fake blood, and i think zombie would be better than werewolf, more fun."

"Oh great Remus, teach us your ways of hollow eve costumes-'' Sirius cackled, kneeling in front of Remus like a knight waiting to be knighted.
"My mastery of the art is not to be taken lightly," Remus grinned, "but I suppose I could spare my knowledge."
"yay" sirius stood up, pocketing the chocolate he had been eating,
"but we're using your sheets." remus added,
"for what?" Sirius aghast, putting a hand over his chest.
"you'll see." remus grinned, quickly walking ahead,

"FOR WHAT???" Sirius cried, chasing after Remus, who had broken into a run, leaving James and Peter laughing in the dust.

over the next four days, remus asi and made costumes for each of them:

James a zombie,
Remus had donated an old tee-shirt and let Sirius stab and cut holes into it with Remus' pocket knife. Peter had made fake blood with the help of a house elf, and it was fairly convincing, Remus had again let Sirius ruin the shirt more with said fake blood.
somehow, James had convinced a couple third year girls to do his and Sirius costume makeup.

Peter was a mummy, Sirius' bottom sheet was taken to that cause, it was cut into strips and sewn by James into a few long pieces to wrap Peter in. one of sirius dress shirts had been used for the sleeves and face of the costume,
"Why my shirt and not peters-?" Sirius had complained as Remus tore the shirt into strips.
They had also used toilet paper for extra wrappings.

Sirius was a vampire, James paid a fifth year Hufflepuff boy to turn a set of Sirius school robes into a cloak with red lining, and Remus had gotten his sister to send fake vampire fangs that her friend made.
They used the leftover fake blood and splattered the shirt that Sirius was to wear for the costume.

Remus was a sheet ghost, and used the top sheet off Sirius' bed to make the costume. He let Sirius cut the holes for eyes, which came out surprisingly well.

"this feels so weird " sirius commented, inspecting his face in a hand held mirror,
the girls had used concealer under his eyes, which felt odd, and something called 'mascara' on his eyes lashes, that made it feel like he had to put extra force into opening his eyes after blinking, along with eyeliner that apparently made his eyes look bigger, (in a good way?)

"agreed." James nodded, he had much more makeup on than Sirius, a full face of foundation (that was according to the girls 'three shades to light for him') and they had used a purple colored powder for 'contouring'.

"oi, remus, ya' think i look vampire-y enough?" Sirius grinned, putting down his mirror.
"Bram Stoker woulda been proud." remus nodded, not looking up from his homework
"the vampire/mass murderer that wrote an autobiography in third person?" Peter cocked his head to the side.
"what?" Remus looked up sharply.

"didn't some of the sacred 28 keep vampires as pets? or guards for their estates or something?" james grabbed a school book off his bedside table,
"Yeah, before the humanic beasts protection acts got passed in 1897" sirius muttered, "they were kept in their animal forms as pets or were half starved and used as protection, or threat for kids like me who did not match up to their parents pureblood expectations."
"did that ever happen with werewolves?" remus asked quietly,
"no. that would have been to risky, and not as helpful probably," peter piped up, "plus they aren't exactly pretty, most of them are homeless and or livin' in a forest, don't care much about hygiene that lot." he explained as he re-wrapped his shoulders with the toilet paper,
"oh." Remus nodded sharply.

"pete, you sound like an ass," james muttered,
"and it's not their choice to be the way they are, their just as human as we are, they just have a... condition-"
"furry little problem '' Sirius suggested, laying back on his bed. "we should get down to the great hall, it's almost seven isn't it?"
"yeah." Remus stood up stiffly, grabbing his sheet and throwing it over himself.

sirius looked at himself in the mirror once more, "i kinda like the eyeliner-" me mumbled
"What are you, a queer?" remus said sharply, than caught himself "sorry muggle habit, i don't actually care,"
"don't apologize, boys shouldn't wear makeup." peter sat up, "it's not natural"
"fuck off peter." Sirius mumbled, putting down the mirror.

Once the boys made their way down stairs, they saw professor Vincel, the divination teacher, handing out bags.
"all the used classrooms and some others will be handing out candy, if you see a light on the door, knock." he smiled, he had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes that crinkled when he smiled.
he handed them their bags, "have a nice halloween" he waved.

"id kind of like to learn some divination, maybe tarot cards-" sirius said as they walked away,
"divination is all a bunch of crap, everyone knows that." peter yawned,
"That's not true and you know it." James muttered, Sirius nodded.

The boys trick or treated for an hour before James got the bright idea of trying to dance.

"This isn't going to work," Peter said, lagging behind the rest of the boys.
"sure it will pete." james grinned,
it didn't.

"you four boys, you tried to get into the dance, why?" Professor Corken, the muggle studies teacher sighed, she was sitting on her desk and had a bowl of candy in her lap.
"well, you see miss, we were bored-" james snickered,
"You purebloods and your boredness with muggle traditions," Corken sighed, putting down the candy bowl beside her on the desk.

"Five points from Gryffindor for each of you three." She pointed at Remus, Peter and james. "and five from slytherin for you" she pointed at sirius "i expect better from all of you."
"but ma'am-" sirius protested,
"you are dismissed boys,"
"ma'am i'm-" sirius was cut off by three people pulling him out of the room,

"what are you doing sirius?" peter snorted once they were out of the office "that's fifteen instead of twenty points-"
"plus some from slytherin!" James added excitedly, throwing an arm around Sirius, "don't correct her." he grinned.

"but I am not a slytherin." Sirius said petulantly, crossing his arms over his chest.
"we know that, the teacher didn't" remus laughed, he had taken off his costume when they had tried to get into the dance
"Now let's bring out candy to our dorm, sort it, then gorge ourselves till we puke."
"fine" sirius rolled his eyes smiling warmly,
"there's the sirius i know." James laughed, pulling his mates along with him down the hall.

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