Untitled Part 10

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Ch 8

James, Sirius, Remus, and peter huddled together under James' cloak, it was six pm and most students were at dinner,

"I cant believe I missed dinner for this." Peter muttered after James stepped on his foot for the fifth time,
"I know pete, I know." Remus sighed, he had been woken from his sleep to do this, and he had not been happy,
"both of you, be quiet" Sirius snapped,

"python." James whispered to the wall that opened to the Slytherin dorms.
"tell me again how you got the password Sirius?" peter asked as they walked into the common room. which was empty save for a sleeping fifth year boy, drooling over his homework.

"nicked it from some thirdyear," Sirius snickered, "'e 'ad the whole month written out"
"Sirius-" Remus sighed, shaking his head,
"yes Romulus?" Sirius grinned,

"I think this is his dorm-" James interrupted, pointing to a room.
"why do you say that?" Remus looked to James,
"look." James snorted, pointing to a bedside table that could only be described as a shrine to everything lily evens, black and white photos covered every available inch of the small table, the biggest was of evens and snape sitting on a roof.

"oh. My. God." Remus snorted, walking over to the bedside, ducking out of the cloak.
"do you have the ants Remus?" peter asked as he too came out from the cloak.
"of course I have the bloody ants peter," Remus rolled his eyes, taking four containers of ants out of his pocket, handing one to peter and tossing two to James and Sirius.

"may the mischief begin." James smiled brightly.

"python is such a predictable password," Sirius thought aloud as he directed ants onto the bed closest to the door.
"yeah, cliché or what-" James agreed from the bed he was spiking with ants.
"mhm, 's almost like the person choosing had no clue what to go with and no creativity and picked the first reptile he could think of." Peter nodded.

"we need to go" Remus said, checking a clock on the wall, "their gonna be back any minute"
"right." James grabbed his invisibility cloak off of the floor, letting his friends huddle underneath with him, then quickly walked back to their dorm, where Sirius threw off the cloak.

"boys." Sirius jumped up and stood on his bed, "what we have don't here today, will go down in the history books, as the first prank we ever pulled, we four... messers? Pranksters? People of the joke?" Sirius sighed, drawing blank,
"James and the potheads?" Remus suggested,
"absolutely not, James will not be the head of our operation-" Sirius scoffed, sitting down on his bed.
"the fantastic four?" Remus tried again, grabbing a comic book from his bed and tossing it at Sirius, who grabbed it out of the air and threw it back,
"not a chance."

"we can figure it out some other time." James laughed,
"finnneeee-" Sirius sighed, flopping down on his bed.

"g'night." Peter yawned, pulling his curtains closed,
"night." Remus nodded, doing the same.


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