record store boy

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"come along Sirius," mother chided, she was wearing her attempt at muggle clothes, a green dress that fell below her knees and a gawdy black hat that covered her face with a lace vail,
Sirius and regulus walked behind their parents, sirius had stopped at a record shop window, looking through the glass, a young woman with blonde hair, was behind the counter, talking to a little boy with brown hair and tan skin that looked to be the womans younger brother, who was sitting on a large, rickety trunk.
the woman handed the boy an opened letter, hugged him, than said something and went into the back room or the shop. 'I wish was me' Sirius thought, tearing himself away from the window and quickly rejoining his family,
"what was it?" regulus whispered, grabbing Sirius arm lightly
"simply a record store," Sirius shrugged, glancing back at the shop for a second.

once the blacks got to the train station, Sirius father pulled him aside,
"do not make a fool of your self at this school, don't associate with blood traitors or mudbloods, and for merlins sake don't start going around with potters boy." Sirius father said bluntly, grabbing Sirius shoulder, not in the friendly way that a normal father would, he dug his fingers into Sirius' shoulder, so forcefully that it would surely leave bruises, he that let go and turned on his heel, walking back to regulus and wilaburga, grumbling quietly about fleamont potter and the court case that potter had brought up about vampire and werewolf rights,
Sirius slowly walked behind his father, a small smile playing on his lips, 'Im almost free,' he repeated in his head,

Once they got into platform 9 1/3, orion summoned his sons luggage, a large trunk enbolished with the black family crest and Sirius initials, a shoulder bag, and a caged falcon, for postage, a gift he got from his cousin for getting into Hogwarts.
"well, go on," Sirius mother waved him off, looking a bit bored,
"bye Sirius, I hope you write." Regulus said quietly, looking at the ground,
"I will," Sirius grinned, grabbing his things and running onto the train,
bumping into two other students, a ginger girl who was smiling and had the other's arm, a tall boy with greasy black hair and a large hooked nose,
"sorry," the girl apologized,
"lily, that's one of the purebloods I was talking about," the other said in a monotone voice,
"severus, that's rude" she chided, turning and walking away
"but-" he called, walking after her,
"yeah severus that's rude" Sirius said under his breath, walking the other way down the train, looking for open seats, he found a mostly empty compartment, with just two boys, a blond, slightly chubby boy, and a boy with messy brown hair, who, upon Sirius entry stood up and held out his hand,
"im james potter." He smiled,
"excellent, my father told me not to talk to you" Sirius grinned and took potters offered handshake, then put his things on the storage rack on top of the cabin before sitting down,

a few minutes later, a boy walked into the compartment,
'that's the boy from the record store' Sirius realized, apon closer inspection, the boy had mousy brown hair, slightly tanned skin, riddled with freckles and scars and brown eyes, he was tall for his age, but skinny, his har was very short, it looked like a grown out buzz cut, nothing like Sirius' ear length shaggy hair,

"can I sit here?" the boy asked, pointing to the seat next to Sirius
"oh- uh, sure" Sirius nodded,
"'m remus lupin." He introduced himself, putting up his rickety trunk and sitting down,
"im james potter" james smiled "and this is peter pettegrew" he gestured to pettegrew
"aint exactly peter parker are ya'?" lupin sounded like he was joking, but if he was, no one in the car understood,
"nevermind" he sighed,
"im Sirius black," Sirius nodded,
"so... are you a muggleborn?" pettegrew asked lupin, "was the joke a muggle thing?"
"no and yes" lupin shrugged, "apparently im a halfblood, and yeah, the joke was about a muggle comic" he sighed, than almost fell when the train started moving, "crap" he muttered, steadying himself.

About two minutes later, a new knock came on the door,
"can we sit in here?" the girl that Sirius had seen before walked in, the black haired boy in tow,
"go ahead" james nodded,
"thanks," the girl smiled, sitting down next to him, the boy sat down next to lupin, every so often, glancing anxiously at Sirius.
"I don't bite," Sirius rolled his eyes, leaning forward to meet the boys eyes
"hmph" he huffed
"severus be nice" the girl chided "im lily evens, and that's severus snape" she smiled,
"isn't that elieen princes new name?" james asked "she was the captain of the gobstones club right? My dad went to school with her, I remember him talking about her-"
"yes, prince is my mothers maiden name" snape snapped, glaring at james,
"som' got under your skin severus" lupin asked, inflicting his voice so he sounded like lily
Sirius laughed "id say his name should be snivellus, seeing how he listens to evens" Sirius added
"sniveling severus snape, has a ring to it, don't it" lupin practically cackled, snape stood up, as though he wanted to fight, lupin stood up too, he was a head taller than snape, and he grinned "what? You want to fight-"
then lily stood up, "severus, were leaving." She dragged him out, looking mad.
remus sat back down, laughing slightly
"that was mean." Pettegrew muttered
"eh, the guy deserved it," potter grinned,
"the way you were looking at evens, I don't think your better than snape-" Sirius laughed,
"ew, no, she was awful, and shes probably gonna get sorted into slytherin with snivellus."
"what do you mean 'sorted to slitherin?'" lupin asked,
"I know you aren't a pure blood, but were you raised by wolves?" Sirius laughed, Remus did too, though both for different reasons
"nah, a studio flat and a record store, why?"
"cause it's the Hogwarts houses" potter laughed
"Gryffindor Ravenclaw Hufflepuff and Slytherin" pettegrew explained "the brave the wize the kind and the proud"
"...okay" remus nodded, his lips pressed into a line

After they had explained the houses, Sirius sighed looking out the window
"my whole family have been in slytherin," he grumbled, looking at the window,
"blimey" potter laughed, "and I thought you seemed alright" he shook his head, running a hand through his hair,
Sirius grinned, "maybe I'll break the tradition. Where are you heading, if you've got the choice?"
potter lifted an invisible sword "griffindor, where dwell the brave of heart! Like my dad." He smiled, light played in his deep brown eyes,
"I can see that." Remus nodded, he looked tired, dark circles were heavy under his eyes, and he was leaning on the side of the compartment, "does someone have chocolate, I swear I can smell some, have since ive been in here" he yawned
"oh, that's mine," Sirius took a half eaten bar of chocolate out of his pocket, "I always carry it, my brother says I smell like chocolate, but I cant smell it-" Sirius, offered the bar of chocolate "you can have it, It'll help with tiredness"
"thanks." Remus took the chocolate eating a piece then handing it back,
"you can have it." Sirius rolled his eyes pushing his hand away,
"thanks." Remus said again, putting the chocolate in his pocket and leaning back on the wall, closing his eyes and nodding off,

Sirius and potter continued to talk until the train stopped, Sirius woke up remus, and potter woke up pettegrew, they all got off the train together.

When Sirius saw the castle, and the lake, he stared in awe, the moon was at half and it reflected off the lake, the castle was tall and most of the windows had light, as he rowed through the lake with james, all he could think of was how the moon looked in this light.

(1344 words,)

an: i dont really have a posting scedual, but im going to try to post every day, i wont be able to tommorow probably, but if i can i will.

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