who the hell is scrooge?

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"STUDENTS" a voice boomed, the four boys looked to the front of the hall,
"welcome to Hogwarts. I will be your head master, dumbledor" the head master was an old man with dark grey hair, a long grey beard, and a crooked nose, he was in blue robes and was standing at a golden podium with an eagle on its front. He held a beaming smile on his face.
"he looks like scrooge-" remus whispered,
a girl next to him giggled,
"that's what I thought wen I saw him-"
"aww, you made a nerd friend emmy" a boy next to the girl laughed quietly

"now there are a few rules, as most of you know, the forbidden forest is off limits, and last year, someone spilled acid on the desks in the potions room, so you will be on the floor for the foreseeable future.
also the Gryffindor quidditch teams changing room is going through intense renovaitions because of last years tournament, so they will be using the Ravenclaw changing room."

A mas amoutns of 'oh come on's' came from the gryfinndor and ravenclaw tables, and some one yelled "really, again paul" when Dumbledore talked about the acid spill.

"but, for now, you all should eat." Dumbledore said with a wave of his wand, a feast appeared on golden platers, chicken and ham, turkey and roasts, pies and peas.

"oh great, white bred food," someone on sirius' right grumbled,

Sirius started to eat, getting some form of pie and bread.
the others did the same.

Once they had finished and were dismissed, mark ellen and a girl names Cathryn Collins (call me cathy she had said when Sirius asked for her name a second time.)
showed the first years to the Gryffindor common room, (why on gods green earth do the stairs MOVE remus had practically sobbed when he saw them) and told everyone the password to get past the guard, a portrait of a large woman in a red dress that could of rivaled sirius' mothers in gawdy-ness.

"gollygont" ellen said to the portrait, which swung happily open to reveal the common room, a large cozy room with sofa chairs and a large couch that faced the hearth, the there was a coffee table in the middle of the sofas, and the wall across from the fire was lined wall to wall with tables and spinning chairs, the two other walls had arched dorways that led to stairs.

"the stairs lead to the dorms, girls on the right boys on the left, five per dorm normally, but..." cathy took a paper out of her pocket "because of the sorting, potter. pettegrew, black and lupin. You only have four people." She smiled.

"were dorm mates-" remus grinned at the realization.

"excellent, we can plan our evil schemes at night." James laughed,

"oh were gonna get along swimmingly" Sirius clapped his hands, trying to keep a straight face and failing miserably.

"your three are awful" pettegrew snorted, shaking his head "did you hear anything she said?"



"not a word."

"they said our things are in our rooms and curfew is at nine for first years" pettegrew sighed, rolling his eyes.

"nine? That's absolutely awful-" james exclaimed as the four walked up to their dorm,

"I think I could pass for a third year, do you?" Sirius nudged remus, looking up at him.

"maybe." Remus rolled his brown eyes, they were flecked with silvery grey and yellow gold, he crossed his arms.
"but even I think nine is perfectly reasonable-"

James laughed, throwing his arm around sirius' shoulders,
"seems like were the only ones' gonna have fun-"

Once they got to their room, a mid size room with four sets of beds and bed tables, two comfortable chairs and two wardrobe closets,

"we goin'ta Narnia with these?" remus snorted as he saw the wardrobes

"what's Narnia?" the pureblood boys asked in unison

"you three disappoint me immensely" remus sighed as he sat down on his bed, "I'm gonna have my sister send three copies of the magicians nephew and I expect all of you to read it, then you can read lion witch and the wardrobe."

Sirius flopped down on his bed, curling up into a ball like a dog in a lightning storm.
"my parents aren't gonna be pleased." He whispered.

"so? Maybe you get a howler, big deal, grab it an run." James shrugged.

"yeah... right" Sirius mumbled.

"go to sleep." Mark ellen popped his head into the dorm,
"you'se guys got classes at eight tomorrow an' breakfast ends at seven thirty."
then he left.

"eight? That's much worse than curfew-" Sirius whined standing up and grabbing his pajamas out of his trunk.

"that," remus muttered "we can agree on."

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