dinner feelings.

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"James, were gonna be late." Sirius bounced on the balls of his feet as he waited for James to find his wand witch he had lost somewhere in the dorm.

"got it!" James held up his wand triumphantly

"that's very nice, WE NEED TO GO." Sirius grabbed James' arm pulled him out of the dorm.

"merlin your like an impatient dog-" James rolled his eyes, yanking his arm from Sirius' grip.

Both the boys broke into a sprint once they got out of the common room,

"please do the world a favor and shut up" Sirius huffed,

"no can do." James laughed,

It had been a week since the howler, and things had become fairly normal.

Remus had disappeared the day before, but that was the most out of ordinary thing that happened.

"we aren't late yet!" Sirius exclaimed as he and James ran into the transfiguration classroom.
"professor McGonagall isn't even here Sirius-" James panted, sighing in relief.
sitting down next to Sirius.
"don't be so sure, she could be-"

Then McGonagall walked into the room,
"please forgive me for being late, I had someone- something to attend to." She apologized as she walked to her desk.
"although, my being late, does not forgive tardiness."

James and Sirius exchanged a anxious glance, but the professor didn't say anything.

"today, we will talk about practical self-transformation, or P.S.T." McGonagall said briskly.

"like how you change into a cat?" Lola, a muggleborn girl with dark skin and brown hair done into braids asked excitedly, taking the lollypop she was sucking on out of her mouth to speak.

"no, miss. Williams, as I have said, that is Animagus transformation, which you must either be born into, as I was, or, make oneself into with a complicated ritual that we will cover in sixth and seventh year." Mc gonagall shook her head, "and please miss. Williams, rais your hand."

"sorry ma'am" Lola smiled.

"it's quite alright miss. Williams." Mc Gonagall nodded.

James and Sirius left that class with four different colored eyebrows, twenty different coulored nails, and two heads of multicolored hair.

"potter, black, please stay behind." Mc gonagall called as they were leaving, both the boys looked anxiously at each other.
"yes miss?" James mumbled looking at the ground as he and Sirius walked back to her desk.

"you two are extremely advanced," mc gonagall sat down behind her desk, "id like you to do this." She slid two pieces of parchment to the two Gryffindor's, "instead of the homework I assigned, I think you will gain more from it. if it proves too difficult, you may do the original homework."

"thank you ma'am," Sirius took his and James' papers, and walked out of the class room with him.

"its about Animagus, and their transformation's relation to werewolves." Remus looked up from the papers,
"yeah, we figured that out genius, your dodging the question, where did you go yesterday?" James sat down with Sirius across from Remus.
the great hall was adorned with Hufflepuff banners, showing that Hufflepuff had won the last years house cup.

"I- um, my sister got sick, I needed to go home." Remus shrugged,
"oh, I'm sorry to hear that, what happened?" Sirius looked up from his food, taking back the homework mc gonagall had assigned him.
"she broke her arm." Remus mumbled, looking down at his food,
"oh, that blows man." James nodded, nudging Sirius, "ya' wanna do the transfig homework together, prolly get it done faster that way"
"sure," Sirius shrugged.

"by the way, I've been meaning to ask, how d'ya send a howler?" Remus looked up from his food, taking a drink of his pumpkin juice.
"I'm not sure, but I think it's a record and animate spell, maybe ask Flitwick, he might know" James shrugged, starting to shovel food into his mouth
"your going to choke." Peter laughed,
"that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make." James grinned.

"I'm gonna go ask Flitwick, see you at curfew." Remus stood up, grabbing his shoulder bag from where it was on the ground next to him.

"why do you want to send a howler re-lupin?" Sirius stumbled over his words, blushing slightly at the slip up of names.
"I got a friend who's parents are bein' god awful," Remus shrugged, grinning "figured id set em' straight."

"oh, okay." Sirius nodded as Remus walked away, 'is- is he talking about me' the thought, feeling his face heating up more. 

im sorry about the short chapters, i just dont really know how to group things, there are gonna be longer chapters in the future (i think)


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