Creepy Farmer

22 12 31

Julia Terrace

Middletown, Connecticut

Solomon: *slow dancing with a dead woman to the song Always and Forever by Heatwave*

Elderly Farmer: Hey, old timer.

Solomon: What the?! Who are you?!

Elderly Farmer: I'm just a farmer. Just growing some fruit, yeah. Want me to get you a sheep coat sheep?

Solomon: Get out!

Elderly Farmer: I can get you a cheese biscuit for a dollar.

Solomon: Get out, I said!

Elderly Farmer: That mini mart on Saybrook Rd has cheese biscuits. I........ groans and starts vomiting slime*

Solomon: *creeped out*

Elderly Farmer: *walks to the bathroom to get some tissue to wipe off the slimy mess from his mouth* How about that cheese biscuit?

Solomon: Get out of my house!!!!

Elderly Farmer: The paddy cop is here to take me to his paddy wagon! *being taken outside by the paddy cop* They could have cheese biscuits in jail.

Solomon: *locks the front door, and windows*

This story was written on Friday, January 5th, 2024.

A/N That farmer is creepy and weird!!! He creeps me out! 😬😰 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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