My Favorite Cousin! ❤️

10 1 2

Highland Ave

Middletown, Connecticut

Erica: Would you like something to eat, cousin?

misstalksalot2000: Yes, do you have any pasta?

Erica: I sure do! I can cook some shells!

misstalksalot2000: Yes!!!! You're my favorite cousin, Erica! I love you so much!

Erica: Aw, I love you too, cousin! *fills the pot with water, and puts it on the stove to boil*

Cat: *meowing*

misstalksalot2000: *pets Erica's cat*

This story was written on Monday, January 29th, 2024.

A/N Nothing like having a favorite cousin! ❤️ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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