Didn't See That Coming! 👀

10 5 23


Walrus Blvd

Ice Cream, Connecticut

Woman: I would like three Big Macs with the Big Mac dipping sauce, 40 piece Chicken McNuggets, and strawberry pudding milkshake.

McDonald's Employee: Anything else?

Woman: That's it.

McDonald's Employee: $78.81, please.

Woman: *pays only a dollar* I'll pay ya the rest later.

McDonald's Employee: No problem. I.... *feels queasy* Oh no! *rushes to the bathroom and vomits his guts out*

Woman: Oh dear! *hears the McDonald's Employee vomiting loudly in the bathroom*

Manager: McDonald's is closing. One of my employees is sick.

Woman: What about my food? *still hearing the loud vomiting*

Manager: Go to Burger King. Come on, get out!

Woman: Ugh! *walks out of McDonald's*

Manager: *walks into the bathroom to check up on his employee still vomiting loudly*

Me: What did we just walk into?

WendyyWolfe: I have no idea. We should go to Wendy's.

This story was written on Friday, January 12th, 2024.

A/N Who didn't see that coming? I hope the McDonald's employee will be alright! He might have some stomach bug! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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