Things Just Keep Getting Weirder And Weirder

15 5 71

Julia Terrace

Middletown, Connecticut

Ariel: *baking Nestle Toll House chocolate chip cookies*

Cookies: *in the oven*

West Virginia Hillbilly: *missing teeth, and thick gray hair and beard* Hey, missy!

Ariel: *screams* Who are you?!

West Virginia Hillbilly: *chuckles* Didn't mean to spook ya, missy! Want some of my moonshine? *holding a jug of moonshine with a cork*

misstalksalot2000: No! Keep the moonshine to yourself!

West Virginia Hillbilly: *takes the cork off, and pours some into two cups* Drink!

misstalksalot2000: No!

Ariel: No!

West Virginia Hillbilly: I said now!!! *points his rifle*

Ariel's Mother: *whacks the West Virginia hillbilly with a cartoon mallet* Get out of my house, you no good excuse for a redneck!

West Virginia Hillbilly: *out cold with cartoon stars floating above him, and his tongue sticking out*

Hillbilly Wife: *drags her husband out of the house* Darn husband of mine fixing to get a poppin!

Ariel's Mother: You girls alright?

Ariel: Yes, Mom.

misstalksalot2000: Yes, Ma'am.

Ariel's Mother: The cookies are done! Take them out! I...... *unzips the costume, revealing herself to be the West Virginia hillbilly*

Ariel: What the? I thought..... What the?! *stammering incoherently*

West Virginia Hillbilly: Now, let's not get nosy, bub! *whacks Ariel with a cartoon mallet*

Ariel: *out cold with cartoon stars floating above her, and her tongue sticking out*

misstalksalot2000: Now see here you.....

West Virginia Hillbilly: *whacks her with a cartoon mallet*

misstalksalot2000: *out cold with cartoon stars floating above her, and her tongue sticking out*

West Virginia Hillbilly: Ooh, cookies!! Now, folks, it was this girl's mother that got whacked, not me!

Ariel's Mother: Hey, wait! Where are we going?! Where are you taking me?! *in the trunk of a blue 1987 Cadillac DeVille with a West Virginia license plate on it*

Hillbilly Wife: *ignores her, and drives off to West Virginia*

West Virginia Hillbilly: *eating the cookies* Delicious!

Ariel: *still out cold*

misstalksalot2000: *still out cold*

West Virginia Hillbilly: *chuckles* Ain't I a stinker? *winks*

This story was written on Saturday, January 13th, 2024.

A/N Things just getting weirder and weirder here in the fictional realm!! That West Virginia fella got the jump on them! He outsmarted them! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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