Inner Critic It Was An Honest Mistake!

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Inner Critic: *gets his Quarter Pounder out of the McDonald's bag and eats it* What the? There's no cheese on my burger!

Marjorie: Oops, they must have forgotten!

Inner Critic: How can people be so stupid?

Marjorie: IC, just relax! People make mistakes!

Inner Critic: I don't want it now. *throws the Quarter Pounder away*

Marjorie: I'm not getting you anything else!

Inner Critic: Shut up.

Marjorie: *beats up IC*

Inner Critic: *getting beat up*

This story was written on Wednesday, January 31st, 2024.

A/N Inner Critic, people make mistakes! Don't make such a big deal about it! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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