Let There Be Sun! ☀️

9 3 15

Butternut Hollow

Middletown, Connecticut

Me: Sure is overcast!

Erica: Sure is gloomy!

Greta: Wish there was something we can do about it!

And--here-we-are: Sure there is! *uses her magic wand to make it sunny*

Clouds: *melting away, allowing the sun to come out*

Me: This is more like it!!!!

Erica: Yes!!!

Greta: I'm loving this!

And--here-we-are: So am I!!! *uses her magic wand to make temperatures to rise into the 70s*

Flowers: *growing*

Trees: *budding*

And--here-we-are: I made Spring come early this year! *giggles*

This story was written on Saturday, January 27th, 2024.

A/N Sunny days are better that overcast days!! With the power of magic! 🪄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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