The Damage That Lying Can Do

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Reno Dr

Middletown, Connecticut

Andrea: *in bed, coughing*

Andrea's Mother: How are you, sweetie?

Andrea: *sounding weak* I feel like crap. *coughs again*

Andrea's Father: Here's some orange juice, my lovely princess.

Andrea: Thanks, Dad. *drinks the orange juice*

Andrea's Father: Of course, muffin!

Andrea's Mother: If you ever need anything else, just ring the bell!

Andrea: Okay.

Andrea's Parents: *leaving her room, and closing the door*

Andrea: *normal voice* Suckers!!! Lying that I was sick was such a cool idea! Anything to take a little time off from school!

Andrea's Mother: *drinking some tea* I hope Andrea will be somewhat better to go to school tomorrow.

Andrea's Father: Yeah. She wasn't like this yesterday though. But, why all of a sudden is she starting to cough up a storm?

Andrea's Mother: It's just one of those sudden colds that happen so quickly. We may have to take her to the doctor, if she doesn't get any better. *sips more of her tea*

Andrea's Father: What I find really suspicious is that she only coughs when we're in her room. I don't even hear her coughing right now.

Andrea's Mother: Me neither. Honey, you don't think? *comes to a sudden realization*

Andrea's Father: She lied to us!!! She's not sick!! Those coughs are fake!!

Andrea's Mother: She better have a good explanation for this! *storms towards her room, and knocks on the the door*

Andrea: *weakly* Come in.

Andrea's Mother: *acts nonchalant* So, is there anything else you need?

Andrea: *sounding normal* No. I mean.... *faking* No. *fake coughs*

Andrea's Mother: Mm hmm. I'm glad to see you're all better now, honey! *smug, and arms folded*

Andrea: Why yes I.... *realizes* Oh no.....

Andrea's Mother: Why did you lie to us?

Andrea: I just wanted some time off from school, Mom. It was too overwhelming.

Andrea's Mother: You had us go to the supermarket for orange juice, and cough medicine! For nothing!!! Get your clothes on! We're taking you to school!

Andrea: No! I don't want to go to school!

Andrea's Mother: Do what I say or I will beat you up!

Andrea: *tries to make her coughs more convincing* Dag nabbit!

Andrea's Mother: *beats up Andrea*

Andrea: *getting beat up*

Andrea's Father: I'll warm up the car. *walks outside with his car keys*

Andrea's Mother: *still beating up Andrea*

Andrea: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Thursday, January 11th, 2024.

A/N Andrea, can't believe you lied to your parents about being sick!!! The damage is already done! 😡 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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