Inner Critic Does Some Heavy Lifting

21 12 19

Price Chopper

Washington Plaza

Washington St

Middletown, Connecticut

Old Lady: Excuse me, sonny! Put my groceries in my car!

Inner Critic: Me?

Old Lady: Yes!!

Inner Critic: *picks up one heavy bag* This is too heavy!

Old Lady: Work those muscles, sonny!

Inner Critic: *tries in vain to carry the heavy bag* I can't! I'm too weak!

Old Lady: Come on, sonny! You need to work out at the gym!

Inner Critic: *puts it in the trunk* There!

Old Lady: You ain't done yet, sonny! There's more!

Inner Critic: Why can't someone else do it?! *grabs another heavy bag, much to his discomfort*

This story was written on Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024.

A/N Inner Critic, you are a weakling!! You can't lift anything heavy!! 😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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