The King Is A Jerk!

15 6 61

Scottsford Castle

Royal Rd

Hutchinson, Connecticut

Iris: This castle is huge!

Me: Sure is!

And--here-we-are: This the king's room! No one is allowed in there but the king! Of course!

Castle Guard: We have intruders here! Come see King Richard for a beheading!

Iris: Oh no!

Castle Guard: *escorts us to the King* Your Majesty, I got some intruders!

King Richard: *wearing his crown, thick gray hair, beard and mustache* Have these infidels off with their heads!

Iris: We didn't mean to trespass, Your Majesty! Please spare us!

Me: Yes, we meant no harm!

And--here-we-are: Let us go!

Princess Florence: Father, spare them! They are not enemies that plan to overtake the throne!

Queen Margaret: They're just misunderstood souls that got mixed up!

King Richard: I hope you three die a gruesome death: *evil laughing*

Iris: Why don't you shut up?

Castle Guard: Do not speak to the King that way, milady!

King Richard: You're in my castle, and you will suffer a painful death!

Princess Florence: Father, they are not enemies!

King Richard: *slaps the princess* Silence! Off with their heads!

Castle Guard: Yes, milord!!

And--here-we-are: I had enough! *charges at the king and beats him up*

King Richard: *getting beat up*

Princess Florence: I shall poison Father by adding this to his broth! *holding rat poison*

Castle Guard: *stands there befuddled, as the king is getting beat up*

And--here-we-are: *still beating up the king*

King Richard: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Thursday, January 11th, 2024.

A/N King Richard is a jerk! Screw him!! 😡 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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