Ariel Sleeps With Her Room Underwater

13 6 30

Julia Terrace

Middletown, Connecticut

Ariel: I can't sleep! It's not insomnia, but I just can't sleep!

Ariel's Mother: Go to sleep, Ariel!

Ariel: I can't!

Ariel's Mother: I got the cartoon mallet right here!

Ariel: Okay, I'll go to sleep!

Ariel's Mother: Good night. *closes her door*

Ariel: I wish I slept in an underwater room.

Ariel's Room: *becomes filled with water*

Ariel: Awesome! *starts to sleep underwater*

Fish: *swimming in Ariel's underwater room*

This story was written on Friday, January 19th, 2024.

A/N Ariel got her wish!!! Sleeping underwater in her room!!! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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