Don't Listen To Olivia Buddy!

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Olivia: Can I ask you a question?

Me: Sure.

Olivia: Why do you enjoy writing so much?

Me: It's my passion. Is that a bad thing?

Olivia: Of course it is! You're wasting your valuable time writing these dumb stories that no one will ever read! Get a job!

Me: I have a job, smart alek! 5 Guys!

Olivia: Then, stop writing these pointless stories!

Erica: Buzz off! They're not pointless at all, they're amazing! They take me on an amazing journey!

Greta: Same! His stories are enchanting!

Jessica: Don't listen to her, okay? I love your stories!

Me: Thanks, guys! I love you all!

Jessica: Love you too, babe! *blows me a kiss*

This story was written on Tuesday, January 16th, 2024.

A/N Olivia is wrong! My stories are not pointless, they're amazing! Writing is my true calling! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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