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Minji's POV

With the ending pose, awaiting for the final call from the director, our shoulders rose and fall with tiredness. It was no surprise as we've been practicing non stop for this comeback, my legs felt so weak that I stumbled upon each step after rehearsals.

"You girls can relax now. Thank you so much for your hard work today! We understand the effort you've put into this comeback"

The 5 of us bowed and used our last strength to give the staff our grateful smiles.

"Thank you for working with us! Goodnight and take care"

After bidding our goodbyes, we were led back to our van, feeling relieved that we could return into our casual clothes. hyein, haerin and Danielle sat in the singular seats of the van while Hanni offered to share the remaining seats in the back.

Despite how tired she seemed from our schedules, she was still that beautiful peach fuzz that made my heart go insane. She sat next to me and placed her AirPods in while sending me that warm smile of her's.

"Good job today, Minji. You looked very good" She complimented.

"Same to you! You must be sleepy"

"Yeah, I'm speaking in behalf of the rest of the members"

she giggled, pointing at the other 3 who were passed out in their seats.

5 minutes into the car ride, I felt her weight on my left shoulder. I turned my head and found Hanni fast asleep while snuggling close to my body. I didn't know what else to do other than wrapping my arm around her for warmth and comfort.

My heartbeat was so fast, I was surprised it didn't wake her up.

"Sleep well, Hanni-ahh" I whispered, planting a soft kiss on the top of her head.

Next morning

"Oh god, my back" I heard Danielle grumble from below.

She yawned aloud and banged my bunk as loud as she could.

"Bear! You awake?"

I clicked my tongue out of frustration and gripped my pillow tightly. "Now I am thanks to you"

"You're welcome. Rise and shine buttercup!"

Rolling my eyes, I hopped off the bunk and walked towards the other rooms in order to wake up the girls. I started off with haerin and hyein's room.

I knocked softly.

"Come in!" haerin velled from the other side.

I entered and found the two curling their hair and applying makeup. "Oh, you two are already awake. Aren't you tired from yesterday?"

haerin shrugged. "Not really. My nap in the van really saved the day"

"I slept really well too" hyein smiled.

"That's good to hear. Meet you downstairs in 10 okay? I'm gonna wake up Hanni"

I gently closed the door and approached the final member's room, knocking gently. "Hanni?"

There was no response, causing me to knock again.

"Hanni, I'm coming in okay?" I spoke, opening the door without disturbing the girl.

She was curled up in her bed, nice and warm from the thick blanket wrapped around her. I couldn't help but smile at how she looked like a sushi roll.

"Hanni.." I called while shaking her.

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