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Third Person POV

The manager paced back and forth the hospital waiting room, having a serious conversation on the phone to inform about Hanni and Minji's biking incident. On the other hand, the four girls say uncomfortably whilst waiting for the doctor to return with (hopefully) some positive news on their leader.

Haerin patted the girl's back and held her hand. "It's going to be okay, Hanni. It was all an accident"

"I shouldn't have played around so much. It's my fault she's in here"

Danielle crouched in front of the sitting member. "Hey, random things like this happen, okay? You could have never known that some random train was passing by coincidentally"

"The voices are coming back" Hanni cried, leaning into Haerin's embrace.

"There there, Danielle. I'm sure Minji will be okay"

"The doctor is here" Hyein whispered, having all the members stand up and greet the man.

"Hello again girls. Happy to say there was nothing severe with the injury. Ms Kim will be allowed to leave tomorrow morning"

The girls sighed in relief and smiled at each other.

"Is she awake?" Haerin asked.

"Unfortunately not at the moment but you can still visit her" The doctor smiled before leading the members to the leader's room.

The doctor left to give the girls their privacy, allowing the their hearts to shatter at the sight of their sleeping leader with a bandage wrapped around her head.

"Our poor Minji..." Hanni lips quivered, sitting next to the eldest girl, holding her hand.

"Don't beat yourself up over it, Unnie" Hyein pouted.

Their was a short silence.

Everyone turned their heads to the sound of Danielle ',s grumbling stomach, the Girlies member lowering her head with embarrassment. "Sorry"

"I told you to eat before we left the house!" Haerin scolded.

"And I told you that I wanted to eat out instead!" Danielle backfired.

"You could've at least gotten something from the vending machines!"

"Does it look like I had the time when our leader is literally-"

"Ugh you guys are so loud" Minji mumbled.

"Yeah Haerin, you're being too- oh my god, Minji Unnie!" Danielle gasped.

Hanni refrained herself from jumping on the laying member and hugging the absolute crap out of her so she just held her hand tighter and smiled. "Minji"

"Hi beautiful"

"Well then, at least we can say she hasn't lost her memory" Haerin smiled, pretending to wipe a drop of sweat from her head.

"How are you feeling?" Hanni softly asked, rubbing her thumb across the back of Minji's hand.

"My head is killing me but other than that, I'm fine"

"I'm so sorry for everything, Minji. I-I was just having so much fun and-"

Minji squished the girl's cheeks and mushed them together, creating fish lips. "You ramble a lot, Hanni. Honestly, as long as you enjoyed yourself, nothing else matters to me. It was either I tackled you out of that damn bike or watch you get crushed by that train"

"My handsome hero~" Hanni giggled, kissing the leader's temple.

"EWWWWWWWW" The other three members gagged.

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