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"Ok now that we are ALL together.." Haerin announced, emphasising "all" as she gave a death stare towards Hanni and Minji.

"...Let's roam around the city and hopefully find a great place to eat. The plane food wasn't enough"

"Same with the snacks from the vending machine" Hyein pouted.

"Yeah..The vending machine that you left me for" Haerin joked with an eye roll.

"And the vending machine you guys wasted my card on" Minji added.

"Hey, you bought some for yourself too!" Danielle laughed, playfully pushing Minji's shoulder.

"The cameras are filming now!" One of the camera man told.

Danielle, Haerin and Hyein stuck together while walking in front whereas the lovebirds walked side by side in the back. Minji hated the fact that mics were attached to their clothes which meant she had to be careful with whatever she said towards Hanni.

"Did I tell you that you looked nice today?" Minji asked, admiring how the sun was making her crush's face glow.

The shorter girl giggled shyly. "Yes you did, Minji"

"Oh well let me tell you again. You look great today, Hanni-ahh. Especially now that you're wearing my jacket"

"I don't know if that's even a compliment anymore"

They bought broke out into a fit of laughter.

"I was joking, Princess"

Hanni's eyes widened and pulled Minji closer towards her, covering both of their mics. "You can't be calling me that when the cameras are rolling, Minji!"

"And what will the fans do? They're just gonna look at it as a flirty moment and ship us. As they should! But besides that, they're not gonna look into it any deeper"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. But don't worry, I'll be careful"

Hanni uncovered their mics and continued walking through the nice city breeze. "Oh by the way, are you not cold?" The Bunny asked, gesturing at the jacket given to her.

"I'm fine. You need that jacket more than me"

"Hiiii" Danielle joined, walking on the other side of Minji so she didn't interrupt the moment.

"Hi Minji"

"Hi Danielle"

"The scenery is so nice right?" The pink haired girl questioned.

The other two girls nodded and smiled.

Danielle winked at Minji with a cheeky smirk. "I gotchu bro" she whispered, confusing her leader.


No hesitation, Danielle walked around until she reached Hanni and pretended to knock her over so she stumbled into Minji. The leader caught her quickly and stared into her eyes. "You okay?"

Hanni didn't realise how long she was staring at her member's piercing cat eyes to even respond.


"Y-Yeah. I'm okay"

"Sorry Hanni! I stumbled upon my own feet" Danielle acted.

"No worries, Dan"

Minji glared at Danielle and gestured at her to go back at the front so she could still be alone with her girl. The member smiled and ran away like a child.

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