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Third Person POV

The four girls tailed behind their leader at the airport, dragging a few luggages with the help of their manager of course. They obviously knew they were gonna see her again but due to their strong bond, they're not used to missing a member even if it was just to leave for the bathroom.

The manager suddenly stopped walking, causing the rest to copy. "As much as I want you girls to stick with each other a little longer, Minji and I have to continue by ourselves. This is for your safety just in case there are crazy fans up there, you know?"

The girls nodded sadly as manager-nim gave them some time to bid their goodbyes before Minji could leave.

Haerin was the first to offer a hug. "Take care, dummy. I hope your pups are alright"

"Thank you, Hae"

Danielle was the next. "Awwww my poor Minjing! Who's gonna be the jjeong to my ddaeng while you're gone huh?"

"Dan, it's literally only for a day"

"I know, I'm just being dramatic. Tell your parents I said hi okay?"

Hyein approached her leader soon after. "Bye Unnie! I'll see you very soon and make sure you eat well!"

"Thank you, Maknae"

The three members slowly distanced themselves as Hanni was last in line to bid the fellow leader her goodbye. "Hi" She shyly greeted.

"Hi, beautiful"

"I'm gonna miss hearing that while you're gone" The younger pouted, earning a chuckle from the elder.

"I'll text it to you, don't worry"

Hanni awkwardly twisted her foot on the floor, not knowing what to say next. "Uh Minji.."

"Hm?" Minji looked at her with a charming smile.


"Come on, Hanni-ahh!" Haerin whispered to herself, crossing her fingers.

"I'm gonna miss you"

Haerin, Danielle and Hyein face palmed in unison. Hanni started to get even more nervous, muddling up the rehearsed sentence in her mind as Minji continued to stare at her. "I'm gonna miss you more, gorgeous"

"I'll see you soon.." Hanni smiled with sadness before turning around but she felt the soft hand grab her wrist.

"Wait, Hanni!"

The younger looked deeply into her crush's eyes.


"I guess I lost, huh?"


"I didn't win your love. You gave me all of our vacation to reach my goal but...I guess it just didn't work. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable at some point during our stay and I'm happy we can at least remain friends after all this. To be honest..." Minji spoke, holding both of the younger girl's hands.

"...I don't think I'll ever move on from you. From this time on, you'll still and always will hold a special place in my heart that I can't give to anyone else. I had many more dates in mind but time beat us to it, hehe. Take care, my love and make sure Danielle doesn't cause too much trouble for the others, hm?" With those last words, Minji cupped Hanni's face, rubbing her thumb against her cheek and leaning forward to kiss her forehead.

"I love you Hanni Pham" She whispered.

"Minji, you ready?" Manager asked.

The leader spun around and nodded, giving one last wave to her members before following the manager further down the airport and up the escalators.

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