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Third Person POV

After the small "mess" in the morning was settled, each member returned to their rooms and got ready for their night out in Paris.

After Hanni and Haerin came back from their talk, Minji figured it was best to not talk to her as a way to respect her boundaries. It was difficult to walk past her soulmate without sending a wink or an air kiss but she had to endure it until Hanni warmed back up to her.

"Hmmm what to wear, what to wear" Hanni asked herself while staring at her closet.

She paused her outfit picking when she found Minji's jacket still hanging from the first day. It still made her smile as she memorised the way the leader looked at her so lovingly when offering the item of clothing.

Holding the jacket in both hands, she brought it close to her face and took a whiff of the vanilla scent. It felt so comforting and it was like Minji was right there with her, hugging her tight and showering her with kisses.

"Oh god, I really love her..." The member muttered shyly.

Feeling confident, she travelled out her room to Minji's door that was closed. She heard the hairdryer from the other side so it was clear to her that the leader was present in the room. She twisted the knob and walked in, closing the door behind her, only to freeze on the spot with wide eyes and an open mouth.

The leader only had a black sports bra on with a white towel wrapped tightly around her waist. Her back was facing Hanni which allowed her to silently observe Minji's pale smooth body.

The hairdryer must've been so loud that Minji didn't hear her come in. She slowly turned around and jumped when she saw the brunette standing there, causing her to painfully drop the hairdryer onto her foot.

"Ah! Son of a bi-" Minji hissed, hopping around on the good leg to soothe the pain on the other.

Hanni snapped back into reality and approached her leader with full concern. "Minji are you okay?!"

Turning off the hairdryer, Minji sat on the edge of her bed and gently massaged the pained area. "Kind of. You surprised me"

"My bad"

"Why are you here anyways?"

"Wanted to return this" Hanni softly said, waving the jacket in front of her face.

"Ah..thank you. Just put it on that table please"

Doing as she was told, Hanni sat next to her older member afterwards and stared at her. "Minji..."

"Uh yeah?"

Her serious face made Hannj shiver. "Oh um. Nevermind, I forgot what I was gonna say. I should go"

Minji was quick to grab her crush's wrist and pull her back in, being closer to each other than before. "Don't go..."

"M-minji?" Hanni breathlessly questioned, panicking when her eyes landed on the leader's soft lips.

"It's only been a few hours...But I miss talking to you, Jagi"

"Why are you calling me Jagi? We're not even together"

Minji gave a small handsome smile and leant her forehead against Hanni's, making both of their hearts race. "I just like calling you that"

"Y-You're so close, Minji-ahh"

"Does it bother you?" The leader whispered, her eyes remaining on the member's lips.

" feels nice"

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