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New jeans


New Jeans Happy to see her again~


Bbangsaz YES MY SHIP
Omg : Cute!
Bbangsaz 101:So pretty!
Hyeiness:Are you two together?
Hanniviens:That caption tho
Twicetagram: Just date already...

Third Person POV

"Wow, your recent post is flooding with ship comments" Hae laughed, showing Hanni from her phone.

"Even Twice sunbaenim ships you guys" Danielle winked.

"Obviously we can't let them know yet" The leader responded with Hanni sitting comfortably on her lap.

"Awe looking at you two makes me want to barf" The Girlish member mocked, sending the couple an annoying pout.

"You wanna get punched by me?" Minji threatened playfully.

Danielle only rolled her eyes while grabbing a bag of pistachios to snack on. "When are you gonna talk to ADOR about this, Unnie? You're the leader of the team after all which can be risky"

"I know. As much as I love you, Hanni, I don't want to put your hard work to waste" The leader looked at her girlfriend.

"It's okay, baby. Everything will be alright, I'm sure of it"

"Jinnieeeeee I want what they have!" Haerin threw a small tantrum in her seat.

"Be patient, loser. I'm still working on my confession speech"

"Are you two-" Minji asked, point her index finger between them. .
"We could be right now but Danielle is being stubborn" Haerin pouted.

"I'm trying to make it perfect!" The blonde argued back with arms thrown up, causing some pistachios to fall.

Haerin glared at the fallen bits and back at her kind-of-girlfriend. With that one look, Danielle knew what to do. "I'll go get the broom"

"That's my girl"

"Unnies, when can I get a-"

"NEVER" The four older members interrupted.

Before they could explain why they want to protect their baby, Minji received a phone call in which she quickly took with Hanni still in her lap.



"H-How does he.. Did you tell him?"

"Ah...Okay. I'll be over in a sec" Minji concluded before hanging up. There was a clear expression of stress on her face.

"I'll be back, girls. HYBE found out somehow.."

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