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Warning: Contains Smut

Minji fluttered her eyes opened at the warm feeling of the sun hitting her face. She realised she wasn't in her own room because of the pastel pink walls, knowing she herself wasn't a fan of the colour. The dazed girl started questioning why she was in her girlfriend's room which soon led to bigger questions like what she had done last night whilst being drunk.

Minji's POV

I threw my hand behind me, noticing that Hanni wasn't there and just as I sat up, the killer migraine kicked in.

"Damn it"

I slid myself off the bed and had an uneasy feeling in my stomach, making me speed off into the toilet and throwing up everything I had last night into the bowl. I didn't remember drinking so much because the thick liquid shooting out my mouth seemed to be never ending.

"Jagi?" I heard my favourite voice call from outside.

I was about to respond but the vomit kept going, completely failing myself to remain quiet. My throat was hurting so bad, how could I not gag aloud?

Hanni footsteps were loud, feeling her kneel next to me and rub my back. "Awe baby! I told you not to drink so much." She drenched a face towel once I finished and flushed the toilet. She held onto my shoulder and forced me to sit after letting the toilet lid down. I was about to get up but she pointed her index finger at me.

"No. Stay"

Like the obedient puppy I was, I pouted and remained seated, allowing her to clean my face. Especially my lips. I could see her staring at it but I glared at her out of seriousness. "If you're thinking about kissing me, I highly suggest you shouldn't" I mumbled.

"Wasnt planning to. Not with those yucky vomit lips"

"We can kiss once I grab some breakfast and brush my teeth" I winked at her.

She hummed and took me to the bed where a tray of hangover soup and orange juice laid. I looked at her sweetly and pulled her in by the waist. "Love, you didn't have to"

"Gotta keep you alive somehow" She joked, earning a fit of giggles between us both. "Drink up Hubby while I get you some medicine"

My smile grew bigger at the nickname as I stared at her which she caught on to. "What are you looking at, weirdo?" She asked.

"Nothing. I just think I have the best girlfriend in the entire world"

"Stop, you're making me want to kiss you"

"Then kiss me"

She made a gagging face. "Again, not with those yucky vomit lips"

sat on the bed and placed the tray on my lap, eyes following Hanni who quickly left the room to grab my medicine. I looked at the spoon in disgust and chucked it behind me somewhere.

"Who needs a spoon when you can just-" I paused and lifted the bowl to my lips, tilting it upwards so the warm soup smoothly fell in.

I placed the bowl down and hummed happily. "Holy shit, this tastes amazing". With that, I brought the bowl up again and chugged it down like it was the bottle of soju last night. Hanni returned just as I finished and smirked.

"Someone likes my soup~"

"The best soup, babe"

She handed me two pills. "Here, take this. It's for your migraine"

"Is our Minji boo, okay now?" Danielle walked in with a fake pout.

"Did Hanni make your boo boo go away?" Haerin walked in right after.

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