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Third Person POV

Minji woke up in an awful mood and her tiredness got the best of her, losing count on what day it was in Paris. 2? 4? Hell, they may have been there for 2 weeks and she wouldn't know. She sat up slowly and winced at a sharp pain she felt in her neck.

Great. A stiff neck.

She rubbed the area and looked at her alarm clock that read 10:30am. Her eyes almost popped out of her sockets since she usually wakes up early. She must've been so tired from last night.

In all honesty, Minji was in a peachy mood because the scene of her and Hanni's make out replayed in her mind and it got her tossing around in the bed. She thought drinking multiple glasses of water at 3am was a good idea but it just led to a full bladder.

"I hate how you make me feel, Hanni-ah" Minji grumbled with her face buried in her hands.

The thought of Hannj naked below, got her stomach doing flips and that familiar heat in her region returned.

"I can't be this horny in the morning"

Minji turned her head from the sound of her door creaking open. Big mistake as the sharp pain was felt, making her yelp.

"Minji, what happened? Are you okay?" Hanni jumped on the bed and held her neck.

"I didn't have a good sleep"

"Our poor leader. Sit down in front of me and I'll massage it"

Minji trusted the Bunny girl and did as she said, her heart racing when Hanni patted her shoulders. "Shirt off, Minji"

"Wanna take it off for me?" Minji winked, earning a slap to the head.

"Stop being stupid. Hurry up" Hanni giggled.

The leader grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, revealing her well toned abs and muscles. For once, Minji thanked herself for attending the gym because the way Hanni stared at her right now, made her feel proud.

"Like what you see?"

"S-Shut up!"

"Ah, there's no lotion, babes but I'm sure I'll be fine without it" Minji smiled and faced forwards as Hanni worked her fingers gently on her neck.

"What troubled your night, Minji?" The younger asked, applying a little more pressure.

"I can't say"

"Why not?"

"It's a bit embarrassing"

"You can trust me, Minji and you know I won't stop nagging you until you tell me"

The older girl chewed on her lower lip and blushed. "I couldn't stop thinking about what we did last night"

"That's it?"

"It made feel horny okay! The feeling was bothering me" Minji finally blurted out.

Hanni paused for a bit and licked her lips. "A-Are you still feeling bothered right now?"


There was a short awkward silence between them.

"Want help with that?"

Minji jumped off the bed and hit herself against the wall, looking at her crush with disbelief. "What did you say?"

"It's not fair if I'm not honest with you too but I've been feeling quite the same. Look at this as doing each other a favour" Hanni tried to enlighten the mood.

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