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"Finally!!" Hye praised, running into their summer house.

"Wow, it's so pretty.." Haerin muttered, her eyes widened with amazement.

Minji was observing the living room until she heard struggled grunts from someone behind her. Hanni was attempting to drag her many suitcases in which made her reconsider about bringing so much "just in case" clothes.

"Here, I got it" Leader Kim offered and carried the suitcases, suprising Hanni at her manly strength.

"Wow, so strong!"

Minji easily brought it to Hanni's chosen room and placed them down. "You're welcome, Princess"

Hanni giggled and eyed the taller girl who was about to exit the room. "Hey, where are you going?"

"To my room?" Minji poked her head through the door with a confused look.

"Why don't we go for a stroll?"

"And just leave the others behind?"

"I'm sure they'll be fine"

Minji contained the excitement and adrenaline she had as her and Hanni walked out the summer house, feeling more free now that they don't have cameras following them.

Hanni was wearing a short skirt with a white turtle neck and her cream coloured low top converses. Minji on the other hand decided to go for a warmer outfit, wearing black sweatpants, black turtle neck, white varsity jacket and white adidas shoes. Very smart, considering that the weather started to get cooler in Paris.

"You look good, Hanni" the leader complimented.

She looks hot Minji actually thought but she didn't want to blurt out such an honest yet creepy compliment. She was trying to gain Hanni's love, not a restraining order.

"You think so? It was a last minute grab from my closet"

"Well, even if it was a trash bag, you'd still make it look amazing"

"Awe thanks Minji. You look good too, not gonna lie. It's nice seeing you more comfortable"

"Thanks. I admit it feels good too"

Their heartfelt chuckles soon fell into an awkward silence, only hearing the city people talk as they walked passed each other.

Hanni decided to break the silence with a question she had deeply in mind. "Minji"


"What plans do you have in mind exactly?"

Minji cutely tilted her head with a charming (mostly handsome) smile. "Plans?"

"About this do you say this...thing"

"Oh i didn't plan anything, not yet at least. At the moment I want us to settle in like what we're doing right now"

"Good mind, Kim Minji"

"I also want to start with baby steps...just like these flowers here" Minji stopped walking to point at some beautiful red roses by a shop.

"They started off as small seeds...but with patience, care and love, they soon grow into something beautiful and something worthwhile to keep" Minji poetically said while

picking up a rose.

Hanni didn't realise how much she melted by the older girl's words. Hearing her talk so gently and beautifully about the roses made her feel mushy.

"Would you like to buy that?" An old lady asked who happened to be the store owner.

"Oh, no thank you. We were just admiring your beautiful flowers" Minji replied.

Her fluent English stunned Hanni even more than she already was.

"Come on now, don't be shy. Get that rose for your girlfriend! Very romantic and meaningful especially in Paris"

The two New jeans members blushed at the word "girlfriend" being mentioned.

Minji felt bad if she rejected the kind woman's offer so she pulled out her wallet and handed her the exact change.

"Thank you so much, have a good day!"

"Back at you both!"She waved as they walked off.

"For you, m'lady" Minji smirked, handing the rose to Hanni.

"Thanks Minji, you didn't have to"

"It's okay, Hanni. A beautiful flower for a beautiful woman"

"Ok stop with the flirting" The cute Bunny girl laughed.

"Well how else am I supposed to steal your heart?"

Hanni laughed again, playfully hitting the leader.

A strong cold breeze suddenly hit them both yet Hanni was the only one bothered by it as she wore a skirt.

"Silly, why didn't you bring a jumper?"

"I didn't think it would be this cold!" Hanni defended, rubbing her shoulders.

Minji stood in front of her and opened her jacket. "Come here"


."You want to freeze to death or what?"

Hanni hesitated before slowly going into Minji's embrace, being warmly wrapped by the jacket and her arms. Minji rested her chin on the girl's head and swayed them gently from side to side. "Best hug ever"

The Bunny member was getting red from the gesture. She watched too many kdramas with these type of scenes, she thanked the heavens to be experiencing this.

"Are we just gonna stand here and hug, Minji?"

"Just a little bit longer.." Minji mumbled.

They heard the sound of camera clicking. Looking to their left, a man who looked like he was in his 30s was smiling at them sweetly before grabbing the Polaroid picture out of the camera he held.

"Sorry for startling you girls. My name is Lucas Andre and I'm a professional photographer going around Paris just to take some beautiful photos for a project. Here's my business card to prove that I'm not sketchy or anything like that. I couldn't help but admire your beautiful and loving relationship so I took a great photo of your moment. Here's the photo for you to keep"

"What's your project about?" Minji asked while staring at the cute photo of her Hanni hugging.

"Love in Paris. People always say that this is the city of love so I wanted to prove it"

"Here's the photo for you to kеер"

"It's amazing! Thank you so much!.

"No worries. Have a great day and keep that love as strong as possible!" The man tipped his head before heading off to capture more shots.

"Look at this" Minji said happily and showed Hanni their photo.

"It's so pretty..."

"You're so pretty" Minji responded, scratching under the girl's chin.


"Here wear my jacket. I'd hate to see you shiver to death" Minji offered and wrapped up the love of her life

"Thank you again"

"You can thank me more when we say our wedding vows"

"Yah!" Hanni laughed aloud and chased the leader down Paris' pretty lights.


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