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Third Person POV

"Everyone ready?" The manager asked as he looked at each member.

The five girls nodded after their luggages were taken to the plane, ensuring that they wore their masks. The manager smiled and led them towards their next location, only to hear a fanboy scream out to them...

Mostly towards Hanni.

"Oh my god, New jeans!! Hanni, I'm such a huge fan, can we please take a photo really quick?" He asked with a little too much excitement.

The bodyguards made sure they became a fence in front of the group before the man reached Hanni.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have the time-"

"Please just really quick!"

"I don't want to miss my flight so please-"

"Why is it so hard for you to just smile and pose?!" He yelled, making Hanni flinch.

"I need you to step back" The manager said as one bodyguard used his hand to stop the fan from moving any closer.

"I'd slap him if I was actually bothered" Haerin whispered to Danielle with an annoyed tone.

"I just want a photo so back off" He spat and forcefully grabbed Hanni's wrist as he pulled her closer to him.

This released the light fury hidden in Minji, taking out the anger on the man who touched his woman and shoved him to the ground, surprisingly pushing past all the bodyguards.

"Didn't we tell you to fuck off?!"

The members gasped, trying their best to pull their leader away but Minji was stronger than they thought. She was escaping their grip and got her hands onto the man's collar.

"You don't come up in here and touch my girl, got it?! I don't want to be telling you a second time!"

This was the first time the girls saw Minji so angry, like sure, they've seen her get annoyed and pissed off, but to the point where she pushes the other person is a whole new level.

Minji's POV

I felt a soft hand caress my arm, already knowing that it was Hanni. I looked at her deeply in the eyes and could see how worried she was, remembering our conversation yesterday.

"Minji-ahh...let's go please"

I released the man and stood up, walking away as fast as possible while holding Hanni's hand. The walk to the plane was silent and I'm pretty sure it was worrying the poor girl more than she already was.

We sat in our assigned seats, being lucky enough to be sitting with alone Hanni while Haerin, Danielle and Hyein sat together, leaving the manager by himself behind them. I was staring outside the plane window as so many thoughts were running through my mind...but of course, Hanni had to interrupt it by grabbing my chin to face her.

"Minji..are you okay?"

"I should be asking you that. Did he hurt you?" I held her hand again and examined the slightly red wrist.

"Kind of. He had a strong grip"

"That motherfuc-"

"Since when did you cuss?"

"Sorry, it only comes out when I'm angry.." I pouted and continued looking at her wrist.

"I'm fine, Minji"

I kissed the red area and rubbed my thumb over it. "You better be"

A flight attendant stopped by our seats with a tray of hot food that made me drool.

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