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Minji's POV

"Great job for the work you've been putting into your comeback, girls. I'm very proud"

"Thank you, manager-nim" We said in unison.

"We gathered you here today to let you know that you will be filming a little show during your sweet vacation

"Paris!!" He announced, purposely doing that little pause and drumroll.

The girls, especially Hyein, gasped and cheered with excitement. The youngest was shaking her hands, hopping around and squealing as it was her dream to visit Paris.

"You're being serious?!" Haerin asked with wide eyes.

"Absolutely! You girls deserve this vacation so enjoy it as much as you can and make loads of memories. We already organised the date, flight tickets, the house you'll be staying in as well as these Polaroid cameras" The manager told, sliding a few small cameras in front of us.

I could see Danielle's eyes sparkle as she picked up the camera and pointed it at Hyein. "Cheese!"

"I could really see the excitement from you all. We'll update you more on this so for now, return to your dorms and rest"

Hanni leaned towards my ear. "We rushed in the morning for this? Wasted my morning"

I looked at her and giggled but deep down, I wouldn't say my morning was ruined. I could replay it in my mind again and again.

Back at New jeans Dorm

"I honestly could've slept in" I yawned while flopping on the couch and closing my eyes.

But I heard the footsteps of a few people causing me to open them where I saw Haerin, Danielle and Hyein.

"Where you guys going?" I asked with a slight pout.

"Shopping! I know manager-nim told us to rest but I heard there's a good sale in the mall today" Hyein smiled cheekily.

"Alright just be careful and take care of each other"

"Yes leader-nim" They said in unison.

I soon realised the last member was missing. "Wait what about Phamhanni? She likes shopping too"

"Ah, we asked her but she said she wanted to use this day to sleep" Danielle explained.

I nodded and shooed them closer to the door. "Okay okay go have fun now. Buy us some milk tea please"

They all gave me a loud "yes" before entering the van and waving me goodbye.

I shut the door and decided to check up on Hanni upstairs who was supposedly asleep.

Let's just hope she's not changing clothes like this morning

I knocked softly and heard that sweet voice.

"Come in!"

Poking my head through the door, I found the beautiful member using Haerin's record player, putting on some relaxing jazz music.

"Haerin allowed you to use that?" I jokingly asked.

"I'm surprised too. Really thought she'd lecture me about how precious it was but she seemed like in a good mood to give me her permission" Hanni softly laughed.

The way I'd rather listen to her voice more than the jazz music...

"Hey Minji" She called.


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