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Third Person POV

"Baby pweaseeeeee"

"Minji, i said no"

"One mooooore pweaseeeee"

"Minji, no!" Hanni repeated for like the millionth time and she wished she was over exaggerating.

New Jeans was on their way to their physical fansign after the great kick in the ass from covid. They weren't far from the venue and Minji spent most of her time pleading to her girlfriend for one more kiss but Hanni was cautious of her makeup being ruined, knowing she loved wearing lipstick.

"But babe~"

"If I give you one more kiss and you ask for another, I will ban affection for a month"

Minji gasped and her pout grew bigger. "That's not fair!"

"Oh yes it is, so watch yourself Kim" Hanni said with a glare, fulfilling the leader's wish and pecked her lips.

"Thank you~"

"Hana, dul, set, annyeonghaseyo! New Jeans Imnida" The five girls greeted before taking their seats behind the plastic wall.

It didn't take long for the fans to finally start lining up and greeting the members one by one. It was all going well until one fanboy decided to express his love for Hanni a little too much, but the 01 liner was definitely oblivious from his actions.

He started off by saying how much she loved her talent, which wasn't bad of course, but his words escalated into more talking deeply about her body.

"You have such a nice figure, Hanni-ssi. I'm sure with a body like that, you catch the attention of every boy you walk past"

"Uh...thanks? I guess..."

"Hanni can I hold your hand?"

The member blinked a few times and shook her head in apology. "Im sorry but we need to be safe of covid"

"It'll only be a few seconds, come on" He persisted and reached his hand out but it was swatted away not by the manager but by Minji herself.

"Excuse me, please be aware of the pandemic we are living in right now. Let's not make it worse, okay?"

"Ah sorry, Minji,-ssi" The fan bowed and continued talking to Hanni. "Hanni, have you had a boyfriend?"


"Then let me be your first"

Hanni almost gagged at his attempted wink but she contained her emotions and released an awkward laugh.

"Sorry, I'm not interested"

"Can I give you my number?"

"Okay, that's it. Get up and move" Minji snapped, using a shoo gesture.


The leader looked at him dead in the eyes. "How could you not tell how uncomfortable you're making her feel? Please refrain from asking such stupid questions when you already know the answer to it"

The fanboy scoffed, making Minji's eye twitch. "How would you know if she wants it or not? Is it wrong for me to show my love for her?"

"Of course not but the way you're showing it right now is inappropriate"

"You don't know how she feels" He fired back.

"You better watch your mouth, kid. I know what she wants"

"And what would that be?"

Minji got up and stood at the centre of the stage, sending a small smile at her girlfriend before facing all the cameras and fans. "Everyone, I have an announcement to make"

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