20| Assurance

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Stephanie's POV

I believe that it's stupid that some girls get really mad at their crush for talking to someone else. But, Carlos isn't my crush and yet, I felt jealous seeing Carlos talk to some blonde girl.

We hadn't been hanging out after school as often. Did he forget about me? No, I was being overdramatic. It was my first time seeing them talk to each other so maybe they were just old classmates? I mean, she has the same uniform as Tristan.

Before eighth period, I grabbed his arm and pulled him into an empty classroom. He fell and stared at me, "What do you need, Stephy?"

"Don't 'Stephy' me!" I said, "Are you dating that blondie? Come on, her roots looked like they hadn't been taken care of since she dyed it!"

"She's just an old classmate," he assured me, "She just randomly came up to me this morning and gave me a bag of baguette."

I saw the brown paper bag in his hand and I took it. I opened it to see freshly baked homemade bread, she was trying to win his heart!

"It's just bread," he laughed, "You want to share it?"

We moved two desks together and sat down. The bread wasn't warm but it tasted amazing. It was around one fourth of a full baguette so we split it and I couldn't help but think how much better it would taste with butter.

"She threw a dart at me once," he said, "She missed by an inch."

"So she bullied you, like Tristan?" I asked.

"I wouldn't be surprised if the two were dating at the time," he said, "Both were malicious and evil. Though, Tiffany pressured all of them to do bad things, but she didn't do a lot of it herself, just instructed."

"Curious," I began, "Whats the worse thing that they did to you?"

"I don't want to talk about it," he said, "They were just awful."

"Maybe you're over exaggerating," I commented, "Maybe it was just to scare you. Plus, you could probably kill him with your bare hands."

"You weren't there Stephanie, you wouldn't know how awful he really was," Carlos stated.

He was right. I wasn't there and would never truly understand what happened.

That night was the school dance. I wore the same dress I did the night of me and Carlos's little break in, I looked stunning.

At the dance, there were drinks and a lot of snacks. There was slushy, chips, and bread with a bowl of fruit punch next to them.

I spotted Carlos sitting alone at a table and sat in front of him, "Is this seat occupied?"

"No," he said, "Just sitting alone like a loner."

"Well, not anymore!" I exclaimed, "Cheers to persevering though the school year!" Our glasses made a clink sound and I took a sip of mines, "Carlos, whats on your mind?"

"Do you know how to dance?" he asked, smiling.

"Of course I do," I responded, "You think I just came here to sit and drink fruit punch?"

I got up and took his hand. I pulled him to the dance floor and we danced. It was almost like he predicted my every move. I was having a lot of fun and Carlos really did know how to dance.

"How much did your father teach you?" I laughed, "Maybe it's in your blood, Carlos," emphases on Carlos.

He laughed and took a step back, "I'm tired, lets go outside and leave this boring party."

Outside, we threw snowballs at each other. I was freezing because I hadn't brought a jacket, well I didn't have a winter jacket anyways, just a cardigan.

Carlos took off his jacket and put it over my arms, "To keep the lady warm."

"Such a gentleman you are," I commented, "Would you be kind enough to offer the lady a ride home? I ran here in heels actually."

"Of course, Stephy," he said. He called his driver and dropped me home.

"Sweet dreams, Stephy," he called out, "Don't get yourself into any trouble!"

It had been five months of knowing each other by now and I wanted those five months to turn into six, and seven, and so on.

I wanted this to last forever.

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