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February 6, 2023

Charlie's POV

Dalton moved back to Savannah for the upcoming season last week and I started my final semester of college at Treveca-Nazarene the second week of January. I'm studying Criminology and it's kicking my butt. Dalton and I have been together for nearly four years and only one of his current teammates knows about us and that's his roommate, Tanner. I just left my third class of the day and my phone vibrates with a text from Dalton.

Dalt <3: how's classes going

Char <3: strenuous I still have two more today

Dalt <3: you got this

Char <3: how many days until spring break?

Dalt <3: 34

Char <3: 34 too many

Dalt <3: I gotta get back to training, I'll call you tonight

Char <3: talk later

I put my phone in my pocket and head to the lounge. I put my Bananas hoodie on and sit on one of the couches. I pull my laptop out and do some work before my next class. I open Spotify and connect my AirPods to listen to my boyfriend's music. One of the perks of dating a musician is getting to listen to his music before he releases it. I work for an hour before heading to my next class. After the class, I grab some lunch before heading to my final class of the day. At the end of the day, I head back to the house after stopping at the store for some stuff. I blast Dalton's music while I put everything away. My laptop goes off and I see the FaceTime call pop up. I answer the call and open the pantry.

"Hey, Dalt."

"Hey, how was the rest of the day?"

"Alright. Classes are boring and I'm ready to graduate."

"I figured that."

"How was practice?"

"Good. It's nice being back with the boys."

"I can see that. Hi, Tanner!"

"Hey, Char!"

"So, you're spending spring break with us in Texas?"

"Yeah. I'll be there the day you get in and I'll be there the entire series."

"I can't wait to introduce you to everyone else."

"I know you can't. And I can't wait to meet everyone."

"So, I told Jesse about you and he said you can room with me and Tanner at the hotel."

"I can't ask that."

"You don't but I want to spend as much time as I can with you before your graduation in May. Speaking of, what weekend is that?"

"The weekend of Kansas City, that Saturday. But Mom wants you to come in Friday morning so we can do brunch or something."

"I'll have to talk to Jesse and Gillum."

"I figured but she's fine if you don't get in until Friday night or early Saturday morning. The ceremony is at eleven and we're doing a luncheon with my family after."

"Fun. Yeah, I should be good to fly out either after the game Thursday or early Friday morning."

"Sounds good. You're staying with us, right?"

"Yeah. How many tickets do you get?"

"Four or five, I think. Why?"

"Tanner said he'd like to come if you have an extra. If not, he'll watch the ceremony online."

"I'll text you if there's an extra."

"Sounds good. What's for dinner?"

"Um, not sure. I don't have much. Probably gonna order something but I don't get paid till Friday and I'm running low on money."

"I can Venmo you something."

"No, don't. I have some Hot Pockets in the freezer."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Besides, I'm sure you're doing a lot of eating out right now."

"Not that much."

"Uh-huh. Well, I have an 8:30 lecture tomorrow, so I'm gonna head to bed early."

"Alright. I'll text you tomorrow. Love you."

"Love you, too."

I hang up and pull two Hot Pockets from the freezer. I throw them in the microwave and work on the shopping list for when I get paid on Friday so I can go shopping on Saturday. I eat my food and shower before heading to bed.

February 8, 2023

I woke up at nine and texted Dalton.

Char <3: I have four total tickets, you, mom, and dad
Char <3: if Tanner wants to come, he can

Dalt <3: alright

My classes today were virtual, which I was grateful for, since I don't feel great and Dalton and I FaceTimed during my break.

"Mom wants to know if you guys wanna come up to Nash for the grad party before June or if she should wait until that weekend."

"We're not going back to Savannah until the fifth, so we can have it the fourth at the big pavillion in Shelby Park."

"That's what I said but we have family coming in from Joplin for the luncheon."

"The weekend we're playing would be smartest. But if she wants to do something, like, the day after the ceremony before me and Tanner fly to Sav, that's fine."

"But she doesn't want to spend money for two parties."

"Does she know I can chip in or throw it myself?"

"Yeah, but she doesn't wanna distract you from playing and your music."

"If it means relieving some stress for her, I will and I won't take 'no' for an answer."

"And she knows that."

I put my hair up in a messy bun and sigh.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, just stressed with classes and work."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, just the stress and workload. I had to pick-up a few extra shifts next week because I need the money to come see you."

"Have I not said I would pay for your flights and stuff?"

"I can't have you doing that when you have your own stuff to pay for."

"But it's my job as a boyfriend to spoil you and if that means going behind your back and paying for a flight to Savannah Easter weekend, I'll do it."

"Dalton, you did not."

"I did and your mom wants you to take it. You're not working that weekend and I want to get you to Savannah at least once before graduation."

"Baby, I have classes."

"Your last class before Easter is the fifth. Your flight is on the sixth at 6:30 am. I'll email the info to you closer to the date."

"Dalt, really?"

"Yes. You deserve to be spoiled. And that's my job."

"Alright, I've got class in ten minutes. I'll talk to you later."

"Love you."

"Love you, too."

Miss You, Love You /// D. MauldinWhere stories live. Discover now