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April 21, 2023

Charlie's POV

I woke up and got dressed in my white Mauldin jersey with a yellow shirt and some dark wash jeans. I did my hair and makeup and left for class after eating breakfast. I sat in the lounge and waited for Jayden after classes were done for the day. Today was the final day of classes and finals started on Monday. Jayden walked in and we went out to my car.

"So, we're picking up your dress and a few things for graduation," she asks as I pull out of the parking lot.

"Yeah, I need to pick up a pair of yellow heels for the ceremony. I want something other than my nails to be yellow since it is game day," I tell her.

"I figured. And then Vegas for your birthday?"

"Yeah, but we can do that shopping when it gets a little closer to the day we leave."

"Right but it never hurts to look."

I laugh and we pull into the mall lot a few minutes later. We head to the store and I pick up my dress. I try it on and make sure it fits before buying it. I pay and we head to Designer Shoe Warehouse and look for some heels. I find a pair of pale yellow ones and try them on.

"What do you think," I ask Jayden.

"I like those."

I put them back in the box and put my shoes back on. I buy the shoes and we spend a few more hours shopping. We found a few potential outfits for Vegas and bought those. We stopped at Panda Express for dinner and went back to my place to watch the game.

"Alright, I'm out. I got work in the morning," Jayden says when the game ends.

"Yeah, I should probably head to bed early since I have the wedding tomorrow."

Jayden leaves and I clean up the kitchen. I pull everything out for tomorrrow and head to bed.

April 22, 2023

I woke up around nine and got a shower after breakfast. I pull curlers in my hair and started my makeup. I painted my nails a soft pink and dryed my hair. I got dressed and took the curlers out.

I grabbed my engagement ring and put it on along with the rest of my jewelry

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I grabbed my engagement ring and put it on along with the rest of my jewelry. I grabbed a Celsius and my black leather jacket before heading out to my car. I sent Jayden and Dalton a picture of my outfit and drove to the church. I parked next to my parents' car and walked inside. I sat next to my parents after tossing my Celsius can in the bin.

"Hi, honey," my dad says.

"Alright, lemme see the ring. I wanna see it in person," my mom tells me.

I show her my hand and she smiles.

"He picked a good one," she says.

"He didn't do anything crazy. Just a simple dinner and a walk in the park after," I shrug.

"Even the simplest things show someone how much they love you," my dad mentions.

The ceremony starts and my cousin looks gorgeous. Her dress was the traditional white with lots of silver accents. After the ceremony, we drove to the reception. I sat with my parents at our table with my grandparents, who both loved the ring Dalton picked out. After dinner, my cousin and her husband made their rounds and she was very happy to see me.

"I know today is about me but show me the ring," she squeals.

I stick out my hand and she smiles widely.

"Oh! He picked a gorgeous ring!"

"He did. We were in Sugarland over my spring break and he proposed while we were on a walk."

"I can't wait to see him again when he comes for your graduation."

"Me neither."

"Charlie, you look gorgeous," my aunt says, walking over.

"Thank you, Aunt Sarah."

"I wanted to congratulate you on your engagement and apologize for being so hard on you about the age gap."

"I get where you're coming from. The gap isn't ideal, yes, but we're very happy."

"I can see that. Dalton's very lucky to have you in his life."

"Thank you. He's glad you support his music career."

"There's just something about his music that puts me in a good mood."

"His music puts everyone in a good mood."

"Will you be joining him with the tour or have you not decided yet?"

"After the weekend in Nashville, I'll be traveling with the team. Dalton got me a postition with the merchandise team until I can get a more permanent job."

"That's good. I'm looking forward to those games. I've watched a few when my schedule allowed me to."

"I can assure you that watching the games in-person is way more fun than the broadcast."

"That's right. You were with them in Texas and you spent two weekends in Savannah, right?"

"Yeah. I went down to Savannah for our anniversary and Easter and then Texas over spring break, which is when Dalton proposed. Jayden and I are going to Vegas with them the weekend before my birthday."

"Is he coming to your graduation?"

"Yes. Him and his best friend, Tanner are both coming and leave that Tuesday afternoon to be back in Savannah for the game on Thursday."

"Well, that's exciting. How many games total are you going to the rest of the season?"

"As many as I can. Aside from Nashville and Vegas, I'm most excited for Cooperstown. That's the last game of the season."

"That one will be fun, especially if they unveil that exhibit he was telling us about over Christmas."

"Jesse Cole said it's gonna happen the day before the game. Jayden and I are going up for that one."

We continue talking with family, my other cousins and aunts and uncles congratulating me on my engagement. Around 1:30 in the morning, I gather my things and say my good-byes. I head out to my car and head home. I wash my face and change out of my clothes. I put my phone on the charger after texting Dalton that I made it home safely and go to sleep.

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